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This study aimed to examine how foreign non-native English-speaking teachers (FNNESTs) in Taiwan construct and reconstruct their language teacher identities, and how the transformation influences their teaching. English is a Lingual Franca. English language teaching (ELT) has been a salient part of Taiwanese education in the past decades, and the native and non-native dichotomy has been deeply rooted here for a long time. In this context, there are a great number of FNNESTs in Taiwan who have to build up this unique ELT culture. The research aspires to report on a qualitative study that examines these FNNESTs using excerpts from interviews and observation data to tell these true stories happening in Taiwan. By narrative inquiry and thematic analysis, a deeper examination of two significant participants, one from Eastern culture and one from Western culture, demonstrates the unique language teacher identities of the FNNESTs. The findings indicate that student and parent feedback provide either positive effects or demotivation in teaching and passion. Additionally, cultural differences and interactions between colleagues were other major factors that affected teacher reputation in the school. The findings also reveal that the FNNESTs’ identities were influenced by the following factors: teacher learning, teacher biographies, teacher cognition, teacher emotions, participation in communities of practice, and contextual factors. This study acknowledged the perspectives of this valuable yet not rare group of educators who have taken a share of our ELT world in Taiwan.



英文為全球通用語, 英語教學, 外語非英語為母語教師, 語言教師認同, English as a lingual franca, English language teaching, foreign non-native English-speaking teacher, language teacher identity





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