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近年因為運動市場整體的商業化發展,以及政府對運動的推動,各類型運動雜誌相應而出。現今台灣運動雜誌市場上,本土雜誌、及國際中文版外,加上各國原文版雜誌,共有百餘種運動雜誌可供消費者選擇。運動雜誌也因其內容相較於時尚、美容、旅遊等,消費者多半是其運動的愛好者,因此有其消費特性。隨著宏碁引進Zinio和陸續有電子雜誌平台的建置,電子雜誌的商業模式逐漸形成,且小型筆電和電子閱讀器的熱賣,讓數位閱讀習慣也逐年上升,數位出版已成為不可抵擋的趨勢。目前國內還未有運動雜誌電子化出刊,因此本研究希望透過文獻探討和實地訪談之方式,針對《職業棒球》雜誌做個案研究,以瞭解運動雜誌電子化之可能性。透過對《職業棒球》雜誌的個案分析發現,目前出版社尚未對數位出版做進一步的瞭解。 而《職業棒球》雜誌未來如要發展電子雜誌,可將市場放在習慣於數位閱讀的新生代消費族群,這些消費者將會是未來電子雜誌之潛在客戶。
Last years, the sports market face to Commercialization, and the government has advance of recreational sports, various types of sports magazine was publishing in succession. Now the sports magazine market that include local magazine, international Chinese version and Various countries' original text of magazine has more than hundred to providing consumer for choice in Taiwan. Sports magazine consumers most are amateur of sport and it was unlike fashion, travel, finance etc. After Acer introduction of Zinio System and other e-magazine platform building in succession that the e-magazine business model are Gradually formed. The launch of Mini Notebook and E-reader are brought digital reading habit on the rise, Therefore digital publishing has become an irresistible trend. At present internal e-magazine has not published sports magazine, so this study hopes used literature review and face interview to do case study for magazine. In this study we can found that publisher has yet to make digital publishing research and discussion. And If they want to develop digital magazine that can be located at new consumers. Even the computer generation will be the primary consumer in the market.
Last years, the sports market face to Commercialization, and the government has advance of recreational sports, various types of sports magazine was publishing in succession. Now the sports magazine market that include local magazine, international Chinese version and Various countries' original text of magazine has more than hundred to providing consumer for choice in Taiwan. Sports magazine consumers most are amateur of sport and it was unlike fashion, travel, finance etc. After Acer introduction of Zinio System and other e-magazine platform building in succession that the e-magazine business model are Gradually formed. The launch of Mini Notebook and E-reader are brought digital reading habit on the rise, Therefore digital publishing has become an irresistible trend. At present internal e-magazine has not published sports magazine, so this study hopes used literature review and face interview to do case study for magazine. In this study we can found that publisher has yet to make digital publishing research and discussion. And If they want to develop digital magazine that can be located at new consumers. Even the computer generation will be the primary consumer in the market.