敢夢、追夢、築夢 一位金門青年的籃球生命敘說

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籃球在金門是最受歡迎的運動,甚至可以稱之為「縣球」。從小在金門長大的我獨自離鄉背井到台灣發展,中間過程充滿著喜怒哀樂。離鄉奮鬥的背景,所受的孤獨與寂寞感更是常人無法想像,但憑著一股追夢的傻勁。投入競技運動,不斷追求卓越,直到今日獲得肯定,先不提目前得到的名與利,12年的歷程確實有其迷人之處。 在一無所知下,進入了台南縣的新榮高中,接受正式訓練後,一路憑藉著籃球進入了知名大學,再踏上國內籃球最高殿堂,完成國手夢。許多生理與心理上的掙扎與痛苦,都是自己未曾想到過的。這些經驗雖然令當時的我痛苦不已,但回頭一看卻造就了現在的我。經由每一次的鍛鍊與思考,體會出許多生命的哲理,人生就此而改變。我不斷回想著我曾經走過的那些路,尋找自己,重新認識自己,最終瞭解自己。 基於上述結果,本文以敘說研究來作為研究的方法,透過自我敘說,每個階段的核心價值,架構出夢想中實踐經驗的主軸,同時分析了同為旅外球員的內心世界,他者眼中的張容軒,自我瞭悟的籃球特質,更深入的瞭解自己、超越自己並肯定自我存在的意義,讓我充滿崎嶇生命故事的前傳,做一個徹底的澄清。最後,希望我的故事,除了鼓勵來自離島的運動員,更能讓大部份人在面臨成就、失落甚至是放棄的時刻,獲得啟發甚至是幫助。
Basketball is the most popular sports in Kinmen, you can even call it “the ball of county”. To live far from home to Taiwan from Kinmen is not easy and it comes with sadness and pain but also happiness and joy. People cannot imagine the loneliness of being miles away from home but I put so much effort and passion on basketball. I seek after a better me on court for 12 years, and finally received some approval. Not about fame and profit but it is fascinating between these years. When I first left home and did not know anything, i went to Shing Rong High School, Tainan. I had formal basketball training at school and accessed to a famous university by basketball. Finally I achieved to the supreme stage of basketball became a national team member. There were so much pain and many struggles in both physically and mentally that i never thought about. These experience gave me a very hard time but they created me. By every single time of training and thinking, I learned different philosophy of life, and mine changed. I always think about what we did in our life, to seek myself and know myself better. Base on all above, this essay is presenting by narrative research as a research method. By self narrative to tell the core value in different level, the structure of plan, and also analyzed the mind as a basketball player oversea, how people see me, to understand basketball, to understand myself, to overcome myself and understand my value. I also want to clarify my prequel of my life history which is rugged and risky. At last, I hope my story can be an encouragement to all the athletes from islands. And mostly to inspire people when they are failing and facing difficulties in life.



自我敘說, 金門, 夢想, 傳記, 競技運動, Self-narrative, Kinmen, Dreams, Biography, Sports

