

本研究旨在探討某市一所國中啟聰資源班,任課教師與三位聽障學生在數學課問答互動的情形,以及影響問答互動的相關因素,透過二十四節課的正式觀察、師生訪談、文件蒐集與省思日誌等質性研究方法獲得以下主要結論: 一、「視數學為溝通」的意涵大部份尚未在研究現場中展現,師生問答互動的內涵主要呈現在滿足聽障者溝通特質的互動、師生相互關懷、磋商學習規約與學習數學知識等部份: 1.滿足聽障者溝通特質的互動呈現在師生重視助聽輔具的狀況、師生近距離溝通、老師發出訊息前先提醒學生聽與看、教師運用手語增進理解、教師矯正學生的語音、教師重述問題、學生重述教師發問的內容、學生對教師的說明進行再確認等方面。 2.學習規約是聽障學生最常主動請示發問的項目,有關數學知識方面的疑問卻無法具體表達,整體而言學生發問的頻率不高。 3.學習數學知識是師生課堂問答互動的核心,任課教師常用二分答案的提問方式,強調記憶與精熟學習。任課教師使用「為什麼」的問題促進學生思考與反省,並出現以下的互動情形:(1)程度不佳的學生無法具體回答時,老師會自行回答;(2)老師發問後沒有候答,而是由老師自己繼續發問或直接進行解答;(3)老師發問後只注意到程度較佳學生的回應,忽略說不清楚的學生的反應;(4)某些情況下發問的目的在於了解學生的表現,而非探索學生的學習困難。 4.解題過程中,任課教師會強調數學語文的重要性,但受限於時間無法真正落實,不完整的數學語言出現在問答互動中。 5.任課教師能掌握聽障者溝通特質,進行數學教學與問答引導,並且關注學生間的個別差異。 二、影響師生問答互動的因素為: 1.教師的引導技巧:教師的數學專業素養與教學引導、教師的問答引導技 巧; 2.現有課程的限制:包括教材內容、教學時間與學生程度; 3.聽障學生的心態與能力:學生維護自尊、學生既有的數學和語文能力、學生的身體狀況; 4.環境因素:視聽覺輔具的完備程度、座位安排與教師發話角度、教室光線、教室位置等。 根據上述結果提出數點建議,並對研究過程做一整體性的回顧。
The purposes of this study were to explore questioning-response interaction between a resource teacher (Ms. Lin) and three hearing impaired students at mathematical classes in a junior high school. The author also searched factors which might have effects on questioning-response interaction. The research data included observation records from 24 mathematical classes, interviewing of teacher and students, students’ learning files and author’s notes. Major findings were as follows: A. ”Mathematics as communication” was not implemented totally in the Ms. Lin’s class. The connotation of questioning-response interaction between teacher and students mainly presented to satisfy special needs while communicating with hearing impaired students, care for mutually between the teacher and students, consult class managements and study mathematics knowledge: 1. Interaction of satisfying special needs while communicating with hearing impaired students were unfolded for all teachers and students cared about hearing aids and FM systems; the teacher and students communicated nearly; before sending out information, the teacher reminded the students to pay attention firstly; the teacher used the sign language to promote communication; when the students pronounced by mistake, the teacher corrected their pronunciation; when students had no response, the teacher inquired the same question and when the students didn’t understand teacher's explanation, they proposed the questions to confirmed. 2. The term which the students most often actively asks were class managements. But students were unable specifically to express questions related mathematics knowledge. As a whole, the students ask questions in the class were not frequently. 3. Studying mathematics knowledge was the core of teacher-student interaction, Ms. Lin used two-way of question-response like “was it right?” commonly, and emphasized memory skills and master learning. When Ms. Lin used "why" to promote the students to think and reflect , and had such situations: (1)Students who had worse degree were unable specifically to reply, the teacher would reply voluntarily;(2)After asking a question, Ms. Lin did not wait for answers, but went on asking questions or explaining directly;(3)After asking, Ms. Lin took notice of students who were excellent, but neglected poor expression ones;(4)In certain situation, the goal of asking “why” lay in understanding students' performance, but not exploring the tough job students had suffered . 4. In the problem-solving process, Ms. Lin emphasized the importance of mathematics language, but the time was restricted to be unable to carry out, and the incomplete mathematics language appeared in the questioning-response interaction process. 5. Ms. Lin mastered special communication characteristics of hearing impaired students while carrying on mathematics teaching and questioning-response guidance, and paid attention to individual differences between students. B. The factors which might have effects on teacher-student interaction were as follows: 1. Teacher's guidance skill: Teacher's mathematics specialized accomplishment, teaching guidance, and questioning-response guidance skill; 2. Existing curriculum limitation: Teaching material content, teaching time and degrees of students; 3. The attitude and ability of student with hearing impairment: The students defended self-respect, mathematics and language abilities of students, and students’ health condition; 4. Environmental factors: The complete degrees of visual and hearing assistive technology, the seat arrangement and the angles of the teacher speaking, the light and classroom location. Implications for practice and further research were recommended on the basis of the finding of this study.



聽覺障礙, 資源班, 數學, 問答, 師生互動, 質性研究, hearing impaired, resource classroom, mathematics, questioning-response, teacher-student interaction, qualitative research

