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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究以縱貫式調查研究法釐清學童之學習壓力與其近視發生問的因果關係,研究對象主要是選擇九十二學年度上學期,就讀於台北市與桃園縣各一所國民小學之 四、五、六年級的學童,共447人。研究結果歸納如下: (一)男生所感受到的「強迫學習」壓力比女生高;剛接受九年一貫課程的四年級學童所感受到之「課業」、「同儕冷落」、「強迫學習」三個壓力與「學習總壓 力」較五年級(已接受兩學期九年一貫課程)與六年級(未接受九年一貫課程)者高;低家庭社經地位的學童較高家庭社經地位的學童,有較高的「課業」、「成績 差距」、「考試J壓力與「學習總壓力」;學業成績得分愈高的學童,所感受到的「課業」、「成績差距」、「同儕冷落」、「考試」四個壓力與「學習總壓力」愈 低。 (二)研究對象所感受的「強迫學習」壓力愈大,其兩眼屈光度值愈小,愈趨向「近視」。 (三)以全體研究對象和前測兩眼眼屈光度皆為正視者的資料進行統計分析可知,在控制視覺環境因素和學童用眼行為的變項之後,各層面學習壓力皆未能有意義的 預測學童的兩眼近視惡化程度。 (四)在控制視覺環境因素和學童用眼行為的變項之後,「成績差距」和「考試」二個層面的壓力,能有意義的預測正視學童未來是否會發生近視。從「成績差距」 之迴歸係數β值為正值,可知當學童感受到「成績差距」壓力愈小時,也就是學業成績愈好的學童愈會發生近視;從「考試」壓力的迴歸係數β值為負值可知,當學 童感受到「考試」壓力愈大時,愈會形成近視。
The objectives of the study are to estimate the causal relationship between the learning stress and myopia of the elementary school students. According to the principles of theoretical sampling, we decided to enroll the first academic term of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades students as the sample in this research who were from the two elementary schools of Taoyuan county and Taipei city at the ninety-two academic year. There were 447 samples in this study. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The correlation between the individual demographic variables and the learning stress: (1) Boys felt the compulsive learning stress much higher than girls. (2) The fourth grades students who just studied in the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum felt some kinds of the learning stresses much higher than fifth and sixth grades, for instance, schoolwork, cold-shouldered by some other classmates, examinations, and all of the learning stresses. (The fifth grades students had studied in the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum for two terms. The sixth grades students never studied in the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum.) (3) The students who were high SES (Social Economic Status) felt the stress of schoolwork and examinations much higher than others who were low SES. (4) The better study scores, the lower learning stresses will feel, for examples, schoolwork, the difference between efforts and scores, cold-shouldered by some other classmates, examinations and all of the learning stresses. 2. The correlation between the learning stress and myopia: If students felt the compulsive learning stress much higher, they would have myopia. 3. There were no significant between the learning stress and the aggravation of myopia. 4. If students felt the learning stress of difference between efforts and scores much lower, and the learning stress of examinations much higher, they would have myopia.



