2000年至2009年發表於ACM SIGCSE Bulletins 之程式設計教學法相關文獻之系統性分析

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本研究旨在系統性地收集2000年至2009年間發表於ACM SIGCSE Bulletin季刊(其中包含The SIGCSE Technical Symposium及International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education兩研討會之論文集),關於程式設計教學之論文,將論文中所報導之程式設計教學法加以彙整、分析,並將分析結果分類呈現與闡述。本研究根據八項篩選準則,以人工方式從上述文獻來源中篩選出79篇論文,並以自行設計之文獻資料萃取表,記錄各篇論文中為本研究分析所需之重要內容。研究者接著使用敘述性綜合法進行資料分析,重點在於整理各文獻所報導之教學活動及其所使用之教學工具。分析結果顯示,程式設計教學中較常使用之教學工具可大別為七類:程式開發環境(如Jython、M.U.P.P.E.T.S、CS1 Sandbox、Bricklayer、及JPie)、合作學習工具(如CoWeb、IMinds、及Praktomat)、遊戲開發工具(如GBA and NDS Development Tools和OpenGL)、視覺化工具(如EROSI Tutor、PlanAni、及Jeliot)、教學回饋工具(如Personal Response System和個別輔導教學軟體)、機器人程式開發工具(如LEGO Mindstorms、及Parallax Scribbler)、及其他工具。在教學活動方面,則可分為以下七類:(1)教學範例或作業結合特定主題之教學活動、(2)提供學生彈性選擇不同範例或作業之教學活動、(3)以培養學生問題解決能力為重點之教學活動、(4)合作學習、(5)強調教學者對學生提供回饋之教學活動、(6)以視覺化工具輔助之教學活動、及(7)不屬於上述六類之其他教學活動。本研究以案例闡釋各類教學活動之特色及其所帶來之學習效益,期能提供程式設計教學者參考採用之。
The purpose of this study was to systematically review research findings published between 2000 and 2009 in ACM SIGCSE Bulletins (including papers presented at the SIGCSE Technical Symposium and International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education) with respect to programming instruction for beginners. After manually reviewing the articles published in SIGCSE Bulletins according to eight screening criteria, we selected 79 articles for synthesis. Important information contained in each of those 79 articles, particularly the instructional activities and tools used in each study, was extracted using a data extraction form. Narrative synthesis was then conducted to analyze information recorded in those extraction forms. The results of our data synthesis indicated that there are seven categories of instructional tools used most often in programming classrooms: (a) Program development environments (e.g., Jython, M.U.P.P.E.T.S, CS1 Sandbox, Bricklayer, and JPie); (b) collaborative learning tools (e.g., CoWeb, IMinds, and Praktomat); (c) game development tools (e.g., GBA and NDS Development Tools, OpenGL); (d) visualization tools (e.g., EROSI Tutor, PlanAni, and Jeliot); (e) feedback/response tools (e.g., personal response systems and individualized guidance systems); (f) Tools for building and programming robots (e.g., LEGO Mindstorms and Parallax Scribbler); and (g) Other tools. Instructional activities were also grouped into seven categories: (1) Activities that integrated specially designed examples or projects; (2) activities that provided students with flexibility in choosing different examples or assignments; (3) activities that focused on learning of problem-solving skills; (4) collative-learning activities; (5) activities that emphasized teacher-student feedback-response; (6) activities that involved the use of visualization tools; and (7) other activities. We exemplified each category of instructional activities and discussed their effects on learning. It is hoped that what is synthesized in this research would provide programming instructors with useful instructional activities/tools to adopt in their teaching.



程式設計, 教學方法, 系統性文獻分析, programming, Instructional Methods, Systematic Review





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