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本研究旨在探討中學資優生家人互動壓力與因應策略等相關變項之交互作用,主要目的為瞭解:(一)探討中學資優教育之家人互動壓力之現況與差異情形;(二)探討中學資優生家人互動壓力因應策略之現況與差異情形。 研究者以自編之「中學生家人互動壓力與因應策略量表」為研究工具,以台北縣市、台中縣市與台南市610位國一到高二資優生為研究對象,以瞭解不同學生教育階段、性別、年級、社經地位之中學資優生家人互動壓力與因應策略的差異情形。量表施測所得之資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子獨立樣本變異數分析、卡方檢定與Mann-Whitney U檢定進行統計分析。研究結果如下: 一、與中間數相較之下,在親子互動壓力方面,中學資優生的壓力感受為不太有壓力;在手足互動壓力方面,壓力感受介於中等壓力與中上壓力,顯示在家人互動方面,中學資優生在手足互動方面壓力感受較大。 二、各背景變項之差異情形發現如下: 1.不同教育階段中學資優生在家人互動壓力與因應策略並未達到顯著水準。 2.不同性別中學資優生在親子互動壓力與因應策略達到顯著水準,且男生感受壓力程度與使用因應策略的人數顯著高於女生。 3.不同年級中學資優生在家人互動壓力與因應策略達到顯著水準,且國三、高二資優生的感受顯著高於高一資優生。 4.不同社經地位中學資優生在家人互動壓力與因應策略並未達到顯著水準。 最後,根據上述之研究結果作進一步的討論,並提出實務及研究上之建議做為參考。
The purposes of this study were to find out (a) the situation and differences of family interaction stress in secondary gifted students, (b) the situation and differences of coping strategies in secondary gifted students. Questionnaire survey was adopted in this study. Subjects consisted of 610 gifted students from junior and senior high school. Assessing instrument was the self-made “Family Interaction Stress and Coping Strategies of Secondary Gifted Students Scale.” The collected data were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U and Chi-square. The main fidings were as follows: 1. There is no sighificant difference in secondary gifted students in family interaction stress and coping strategies in different educational section. 2. There are sighificant differences in secondary gifted students in family interaction stress and coping strategies in male and female students. 3. There are sighificant differences in secondary gifted students in family interaction stress and coping strategies in different grades, especially gifted studentsin third grade in junior high school and second grade in senior high school feel more pressure than gifted students in first grade in senior high school. 4. There is no sighificant difference in secondary gifted students in family interaction stress and coping strategies in different social status.



家人互動壓力, 親子關係, 手足關係, 中學, 資優, secondary gifted students, parents, siblings, family interaction, coping strategies

