
dc.contributorCHOU, Shih-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorTSAI, Pei-Yunen_US
dc.description.abstractIC設計企業若不能選擇最合適的供應商,可能會為企業帶來不利影響。本論文依據我國IC設計產業的特性及個案公司重視的條件,提出一項適合個案公司的二階段供應商評選模式。經由研究者從事於IC產業的實務經驗及對個案公司採購相關部門訪談結果,並參考Dickson(1966)的二十三項供應商評估準則,本研究提出第一階段訂單基本條件(Order Qualifiers)與第二階段訂單勝出條件(Order Winners)的供應商評估主準則及次準則如下: 1.車用電子零件供應商評選第一階段之基本條件包含「成本」、「交貨績效」、「供應商背景」及「公司治理與稽核」等四項主準則。「成本」包含「供應價格」、「財務狀況」及「歷史營業額」等三項次準則;「交貨績效」包括「達交率」及「過去合作的交貨表現」等兩項次準則;「供應商背景」包含「過去績效」、「業界聲譽」、「與顧客的關係」及「員工訓練程度」等四項次準則;「公司治理與稽核」則包含「管理組織架構」、「管理控制」及「勞資關係」等三項次準則。 2.車用電子零件供應商評選第二階段之勝出條件:包含「產品品質」、「區位與技術支援」、「技術能力」及「服務能力」等四項主準則。「產品品質」包含「品質」及「客服政策完備」等兩項次準則;「區位與技術支援」包括「地理位置」及「技術支援能力」等兩項次準則;「技術能力」包含「生產設備與產能」、「生產技術與能力」及「產品封裝能力」等三項次準則;「服務能力」包含「客訴處理」、「顧客溝通能力」、「修護服務」及「服務態度」等四項次準則。 本研究設計評選準則及次準則相對重要性比較問卷,邀請四位個案公司採購相關部門主管分別就第一階段與第二階段評選準則填寫問卷。問卷資料則使用分析層級程序法(Analytical Hierarchical Processing, AHP)分別求出第一階段與第二階段各主準則的權重,以及每一項主準則下各次準則的主準則內權重(Local Weight)與整體權重(Global Weight)。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBeing unable to choose the most qualified suppliers is likely to incur adverse impacts for an IC design company. In this study, based on the features of the domestic IC design industry and important characteristics that valued by the case company, we propose a two-stage automobile electronic parts supplier evaluation model for the case company. Through our practical working experiences in the IC design industry and in-depth interviews with managers in the procurement related departments of the case company, as well as based on Dickson’s (1966) 23 supplier evaluation criteria, we recommend below the order qualifiers at the first stage and the order winners at the second stage of the supplier evaluation process for the case company: 1. The criteria for automobile electronic parts supplier evaluation process at the first stage include cost, delivery performance, supplier background, and corporate governance and auditing. The cost criterion includes three sub-criteria: supplier price, financial status, and company revenue records. The delivery performance criterion contains two sub-criteria: on-time delivery rate and previous delivery performance records. The supplier background criterion has four sub-criteria: previous operational performance, company reputation, relationships with customers, and employee training. The corporate governance and auditing criterion is composed of three sub-criteria: organization structure, management control, and employer-employee relationships. 2. The criteria for automobile electronic parts supplier evaluation process at the second stage include product quality, location and techniques support, technical capability, and customer service capability. The product quality criterion includes two sub-criteria: quality and well-defined customer service policy. The location and techniques support criterion contains two sub-criteria: geographical location and technical support capability. The technical capability criterion has three sub-criteria: production equipment and capacity, manufacturing techniques and capability, and packaging capability. The corporate customer service capability criterion is composed of four sub-criteria: customer complaint handling capability, communication capability, maintenance services, and service attitude. Four managers from procurement related departments of the case company were invited to answer two questionnaires regarding pair-wise criteria and sub-criteria comparison for the first and second stage of the supplier evaluation process. The analytical hierarchical processing (AHP) approach was used to evaluate the weights for the criteria and sub-criteria.en_US
dc.subjectAutomobile electronic partsen_US
dc.subjectSupplier evaluation modelen_US
dc.subjectAnalytical hierarchical processingen_US
dc.subjectOrder qualifiersen_US
dc.subjectOrder winnersen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Two-stage Supplier Evaluation Model of Automotive Electronic Parts:A Case Study of IC Design Company Y in Taiwanen_US

