
dc.contributorChang, Chun-Yenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsiao, Chien-Huaen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主旨在探究介入自我效能對高一學生地球科學學習成效之影響。選擇兩所不同教學情境的學校,探究學生接受介入自我效能對地球科學的學科態度、學習信心與學習成就之影響。研究方法採用不等的準實驗研究設計,參與研究的對象是中部與南部各1所國立綜合高中一年級共395名學生。兩校皆以班級為單位隨機分派為實驗組與控制組。實驗組學生接受介入自我效能的教學策略(SEI策略);而控制組學生則是接受無介入自我效能的教學策略(NSEI策略)。根據學生的地球科學態度量表、學習信心量表與學習成就測驗前後測成績及學生的訪談資料進行分析。資料分析的統計方法包括描述統計、變異數分析與逐步迴歸分析,並計算實驗效果量。 研究結果顯示: 一、學校以常態編班,教師依教科書內容順序進行教學,學生是小組分組座位的學習環境,介入自我效能對高一學生的地球科學學科態度有正面影響,達顯著差異,並有接近中度的實驗效果量,但是學習信心及學習成就則無顯著差異。 二、學校以非常態編班,教師未依教科書內容順序進行教學,學生是個別座位的學習環境,介入自我效能對高一學生的地球科學學科態度、學習信心及學習成就之影響無顯著差異。 三、影響高一學生的地球科學學科態度與學習信心的因素有教師教學方式、課程內容、自我學習評估、教室環境、考試成績及學習興趣等面向。 本研究提出下列建議: 一、建議教師的教學可融入介入自我效能的教學策略,促發學生的學習動機,以增進學生對地球科學的學科態度。 二、教科書的教材內容應顧及不同程度學生的學習需求,以提升不同程度學生的學習成就,增強學生對地球科學的學習信心。 三、建議未來的研究可以簡化自我學習評估問卷的內容,多元化方式介入自我效能,並減少問卷的次數,由整學期的8次減少為4-6次。 四、本研究選取樣本對照全國高中學生,並不具普遍代表性。因此,研究結果不宜全面性地推論至其他地區各學校之高中或高職學生,研究推論範圍應與本研究設計類似之學校與學生。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is intended to explore the effects of self-efficacy infusion, on 10th graders’ learning outcomes, in the field of earth science. Two schools with different teaching and learning environments are chosen for examining the effects of self-efficacy infusion on students’ learning attitude, learning confidence, and learning achievements. A non-equivalent control group quasi-experimental design is employed. The objects of the study consist of 395 students from two national comprehensive high schools located respectively in central and southern Taiwan. Classes are the basic units of the two schools, which are randomly selected to be experiment groups and control groups. Self-efficacy infusion strategy is adopted by the experiment groups, while the control groups are free of self-efficacy infusion. A comprehensive analysis is made based on students’ learning attitude scale and learning confidence scale, students’ achievement test results before and after receiving self-efficacy infusion, and data obtained from interviews with students. The statistic methods of data analysis include descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and stepwise regression analysis. The effects of the experiment are calculated as well. The research result indicates: 1. In the school with normal class grouping, sequential semester syllabus, and students being seated in small groups, self-efficacy infusion strategy has a positive effect on 10th graders’ learning attitude toward earth science. The effect shows significant difference that borders on a medium level of experiment effect. However, there is no significant difference observed in the aspects of learning confidence and achievements. 2. In the school in which normal class grouping is not practiced, sequential semester syllabus is not literally followed by teachers, and students are seated row by row rather than in groups, self-efficacy infusion strategy does not have any significant effect on 10th graders’ learning attitude toward earth science, nor does it have any significant effect on students’ learning confidence and achievements. 3. The factors that affect 10th graders’ learning attitude toward and learning confidence in earth science involve teachers’ teaching methods, contents of curriculum, students’ self-assessment on learning, classroom environment, test scores, and students’ interest in learning. Based on the study, the following suggestions are put forward: 1. Teachers are encouraged to introduce self-efficacy infusion strategy to their teaching activities and to trigger students’ motivation for learning, so that students’ learning attitude toward earth science can be enhanced. 2. The contents of textbooks should be diversified in terms of level of difficulty to meet different students’ needs. This will allow students with different levels of ability to improve their learning achievements, and consequently, to strengthen their learning confidence in earth science. 3. It is recommended that the contents of the self-assessment questionnaire should be simplified; the self-efficacy infusion strategy should be diversified, and that the frequency of conducting questionnaires be reduced from 8 times to 4 to 6 times per semester. 4. Due to different characteristics of schools, the two schools chosen for this study are not representative of all high schools nationwide. Therefore, the research result is understandably not applicable to every school. It is advised that the research result be referred to only by schools that have characteristics in common with those of the two sample schools.en_US
dc.subjectEarth Scienceen_US
dc.subjectlearning outcomesen_US
dc.subjectlearning attitudeen_US
dc.subjectlearning confidenceen_US
dc.subjectlearning achievementsen_US
dc.titleExploring the Effects of Self-Efficacy Infusion on 10th Graders’ Learning Outcomes in Earth Scienceen_US


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