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我國人口結構呈現少子女化現象,學齡人口逐漸降低,亦降低設校需求,因此地方政府面臨過去為設置學校預先取得土地之國民中小學學校預定地的開發與維護管理等問題。本研究試圖探究現階段國民中小學學校預定地的開發與維護管理之現況、面臨之困境與相關單位對學校預定地開發與維護管理之建議,以對地方政府研擬國民中小學學校預定地開發與維護管理政策提出建言。本研究採用調查研究法,運用調查表及訪談蒐集資料,以文獻探討與實務經驗,編擬「國民中小學學校預定地開發與維護管理調查表」和訪談大綱,以我國五個直轄市和十七個縣市政府為研究對象,並根據調查表回收資料抽選訪談對象,進行半結構式訪談。本調查表採用excel之次數分配與百分比進行統計分析。 綜合文獻探討、調查表及訪談研究結果,獲致下列結論: 一、學校預定地取得土地之方式以徵收取得為主,地方政府以逐步依興辦事業計畫開發之方向進行,較少設置與學科教學相關之設施。 二、維護管理之方式以學校代管為主,地方政府為協助者,里長、社區發展協會為主要協助的其他團體,鄰近居民則是監督者。 三、學校預定地開發的問題為受到人口因素影響,學校預定地無法設置校舍,且開發類型受限與學校有關之設施。 四、維護管理上面臨代管學校人力不足、民眾希望增設設施與監督而非協助環境清潔。 五、對於學校預定地未來的開發建議,主要分為維持學校用途使用及變更為其他適合用地。 六、對於學校預定地未來的維護管理建議,期望引進其他維護管理單位。 本研究從上述研究結論,對地方政府在研擬國民中小學學校預定地開發與維護管理政策提出建議。
The purpose of this questionnaire survey study reach is to examine the land prepared for school in the situations and difficulties of developed, preserved and managed. The investigations are delivered to governments and then according to the investigations, to select the interviewers. According to the documents, investigations and interview, building the conclusion. The results of this result of this study are as the fallowing : 1.The land prepared for school is obtained by levied, and the governments developed gradually upon the shool purpose. 2.The governments entrust the land prepared for school to school, and some the head of a subdivision of the district helps shool. 3.The difficulties of the land prepared for school developed is the less school age, so the land prepared for school can not build school buildings, and have to building the buildings about school. 4.The difficulties of the land prepared for school preserved and managed is the entrusted school do not have enough people to preserve and manage, the people make use of the land prepared for school hoping more facilities. 5.The propose of the land prepared for school on developing have two ways, one is preserved the use of school, and the other is changed to the appropriated land. 6.The propose of the land prepared for school on preserved and managed is to having another preserved and managed team except for school. The conclusions of the study are proposed will be the reference for the government.



學校預定地, 開發, 維護管理, the land prepared for school, developes, preserves





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