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完成於1960年的《交響詩-穆桂英掛帥》,為中國第一部京劇風格交響樂作品。在中央樂團業餘創作組的執筆之下,作品援引京劇名角梅蘭芳:《穆桂英掛帥》之劇情發展與音樂素材,輔以創作組之想像與手法,生動描述了楊門女將穆桂英在遲暮之年再度披掛出征的經典故事,問世之後,旋即成為中央樂團代表曲目,廣受歡迎,堪稱近代中國交響樂中的經典作品。。 本篇論文,針對作品在創作背景、音樂內容、指揮詮釋上進行整理與分析。體裁上,作品採用交響詩曲式,透過五大標題引領聽者進入穆桂英掛帥的故事;素材上,乘載了豐富的京劇音樂內容,著名曲牌、常見鑼鼓點穿梭其中;手法上,雖沿襲調性音樂創作習慣,然而並未消弭京劇音樂風格。 在研究與實際排演的過程中,研究者發現,作品不僅在創作概念上具有實驗性、前瞻性,其對往後中國交響音樂創作、乃至京劇音樂之發展與流傳,亦扮演著舉足輕重的角色。有關作品之詮釋,研究者認為「風格性」乃詮釋之核心,「速度處理」因而成為重點問題。此外,以不同面貌出現之京劇元素,緊隨劇情發展,狹義而言於各樂段提供音樂內容,廣義而言則建構了作品的核心:「穆桂英」形象。 研究者希望,透過本篇論文,為作品之分析與詮釋,留下具參考價值的學術文章,亦為中國傳統音樂文化的發展,盡一份微薄心力。
Composed in 1960, Symphonic Poem "General Mu Takes Command" is the first symphonic composition of "Chinese Opera" materials in China. Under the joint efforts of Group of Amateur Composers in The Central Symphony Orchestra, the piece describes the story of classical Chinese Opera "General Mu Takes Command" and presents the music of the Opera in a persuasive way. After the debut in 1960, it had gone viral in China and is considered as one of the most classical symphonic piece of Chinese Opera. The study focuses on the analysis of historical background, music content, conducting technique and interpretation of the piece. The composers use "symphonic poem" form to construct the piece. Melodic materials mainly come from well-known tunes or "gong and drum drop" in Chinese Opera. As for the composing techniques, the composers didn't keep themselves away from tonal music, and still reserve the characteristics of Chinese Opera materials. In the process of studying and conducting, the author found that the piece is highly experimental and prospective. It also makes significant influences on the Chinese symphonic composition. In author's opinion, "Style" is the main course of the interpretation. Therefore, "tempo" becomes the key factor. The uses of Chinese Opera materials provide sufficient contents of the piece and constitute the "General Mu image" of the piece macroscopically. With great expectation, the author hopes to bring this classical piece an academic essay, in the meanwhile, making contribution to the traditional Chinese music culture.



中央樂團, 穆桂英掛帥, 曲牌, 鑼鼓點, Central Symphony Orchestra of China, General Mu Takes Command, Tunes in Chinese Opera, "Gong and Drum drop" in Chinese Opera

