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  本研究旨在探討幼兒運動遊戲參與之情形,透過觀察與訪談,進一步了解幼稚園中幼兒運動遊戲參與之情形,及其相關課程的實施效果,更深入探討家庭教育環境對幼兒運動遊戲參與之影響,也盼能發現不同性別的幼兒,在運動遊戲參與表現上之異同。本研究的對象為臺北市一所幼稚園的大班班級,從中選取男、女幼兒各3名,經由家長同意進行深入觀察,觀察期間針對所發現之個別問題進行幼兒與其父母的訪談,亦邀請相關教師進行個別訪談。藉由觀察、訪談與文件分析,本研究發現與討論如下: 一、幼兒參與運動遊戲的情形,主要包括幼稚園內與放學課後的兩大部分,包含運動遊戲的類型與項目、時間與空間、幼兒投入的程度,以及活動中所模仿與學習的對象等。 二、幼兒在幼稚園內的運動遊戲參與,與相關的課程實施有相當大的關係,然課程的落實,因環境與政策等等個別情況的不同,有其發展的特色與重視的目標。隨著相關課程的規劃理念不同,實施課程的方式也不同,如師資、時間、空間、課程內容與本位特色等,皆會影響到幼兒的運動遊戲的參與,也能夠表現出幼兒的體能狀況。 三、家庭教育扮演幼兒運動遊戲參與上相當重要的角色,父母態度與家庭生活形態,對幼兒的身體動作與體能培養等各項發展影響深遠。 四、不同性別的幼兒在運動遊戲能力表現上,沒有明顯的差異,大多能跟著身體的發展,配合園方安排的課程進度在體能上有所進步。
The purpose of this research is to find out how preschool children participate in sport play. Through individual interviews and the observation of children who participate in the sport play-related curriculum, researcher tried to get further understandings of how preschool children act while playing sport play. Through the results of the observation, the research put some factors into discussion such as how family education affects children’s behavior and how children’s behavior differs from gender to gender. After acquiring the agreements of children’s parents, researcher picked 3 boys and 3 girls in a particular kindergarten in Taipei City and conducted a thorough observation on these children’s behavior toward sport play. Besides, researcher also conducted individual interviews toward parents and school teachers to make further discussion about the problems found during observation. By the way of observing, individual interviewing, and document analyzing, this research finally drew the following conclusions. First of all, to find out how preschool children participate in sport play, researcher conducted this research not only in school but also after school. Observation focused on to what degree the children involved in different sport play under different situations such as different timeframes and places. Moreover, the research also concentrated on how children imitated their fellows under different activities and situations. Secondly, the research found out that sport play-related curriculum plays a significant role in children’s participation in sport play in school. However, due to different environments and school policies, such as the teachers’ personal characteristics, timeframes, places, and contents or features of different curriculum, the execution of the sport play-related curriculum led to different results, which imply that all of the factors mentioned above are influential to the condition of how children participate in sport play. Besides, the conditions of children’s participation in the curriculum also reflected children’s physical fitness. Thirdly, the result of this research shows that family education plays a significant role on children’s participation on sport play. The attitudes of parents and the life style of a family have a profound effect on children’s body movements and physical fitness. Finally, this research found out that gender does not really make any significant difference on children’s physical fitness or conditions of their participation in sport play. Children of different gender can make progress on their physical fitness under the training of sport play- related curriculum.



幼兒, 運動遊戲, 體能, preschool children, sport play, physical fitness





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