智慧家庭商業模式探討與未來發展 - 以台灣電信業為例

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2019年底,台灣電信業對於5G頻譜競標金額僅次義大利、德國,創世界第三高價。行動通訊科技每一個單世代對世界都有顛覆性的改變,第一代改變人們通訊的行為,從固網到行動電話,第三代進入資料行動寬頻世代,第五代將從人與人的連結到物與物的連結,進入萬物互聯時代。 5G擁有高寬頻(eMBB)、低延遲(URLLC)、大連結(mMTC)等三項特性,結合物聯網 (Internet of Things, IOT),人工智慧 (Artificial Intelligence, AI),邊緣計算,AR,VR等科技,將提高行動電信在許多領域應用與商機。物聯網趨勢之下,在消費者市場,「智慧家庭」常被討論,自從2014年Amazon 推出第一台智慧音箱,接著2016年Google,2018年Apple、Samsung也陸續推出以音箱為中心的智慧家庭。2017年韓國電信開始發展「智慧家庭平台」,很快地衝出百萬的用戶,同年台灣市場也推出智慧家庭平台,但台灣智慧家庭市場還是發展有限。4G市場飽和,電信營收、ARPU及獲利率持續的下降,電信業期待5G與AI結合帶來新的智慧應用,開創跨業結盟與商業模式,創造全新商機。 本文藉由個案中的「商業模式」探討在智慧家庭以服務主導的邏輯思維之「客戶價值」主張,發現新產業的發展「以服務主導邏輯」造成平台雙邊的增長以產生「網路效應」。另外,比較已發展的國外電信公司與台灣目前發展中的智慧家庭,探討國外大廠造成群聚效應的平台策略,以提供發展中的台灣「智慧家庭」產業參考。
At the end of 2019, Taiwan 5G spectrum auction came to an astronomical price exceeded only by 5G auctions held in Italy and Germany.。Every single generation of mobile communication technology has disruptive changes to the world。The first generation changes the behavior of people’s cummunications, from fixed line to mobile phone。The third generation enters the broadband era, mobile surf internet。The fifth generation will enter the era of IoE (Internet of Everything), machine to machine communication。 The 5G system is capable of enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine-type communications (mMTC) , and ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC)。The 3 capabilities with IoT(Internet of Things),AI (Artificial Intelligence) and other technologies such as Edge computing, AR, VR, It will enhance the application and business opportunities of Telcommunications in many fields。Based the trend of IoT, The Smart Home are often discussed in the consumer market。Since Amazon Launched the first smart speaker in 2014, followed by Google in 2016, Apple and Samsung have also successively launched smart home centered on speakers in 2018。In the 2017, Korea Telcom began to develop a smart home platform, and quickly rushed out millions of users. In the same year, the Taiwan market also launched an IoT platform, but Taiwan smart home market is still lukewarm. The 4G market is saturated, Telcom revenue, ARPU, and profit continue to decline. The 5G + AI brings new SMART applications, creates cross-industry alliances and business models, also creates new business opportunities. The article discusses the “customer value” proposition of service dominant logic thinking in Smart Home through the “Business Model” in the case, and finds that the development of new industried service-dominant (S-D) logic has caused bilateral growth of the platform to produce a “network effect”。In addition, comparing the developed foreign telcom companies with the currently developing Smart Home in Taiwan, we discuss the platform strategy of the “Critical Mass” caused by “AAG” (Apple, Amazon, Google) to provide a reference for the developing Taiwan “smart home” industry.



智慧家庭, 智慧音箱, 商業模式, 網路效應, 平台策略, smart home, smart speaker, business model, network effects, platform strategy





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