人脈關係網絡對師徒制知識移轉影響之研究 -以南山人壽保險公司為例

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本研究主要探討人脈關係網絡對師徒制知識移轉之影響,運用個案研究,以訪談壽險公司的方式來進行個案資料蒐集,訪談對象為三個外勤業務人員的師徒系統,分為師傅、徒弟、徒孫三方共七人,並根據研究之主題將訪談所蒐集到的資料整理與分析,得到以下結論: 1.個案公司的師徒關係是透過彼此信任來建立的,藉由此制度來使新進人員快速的學習師傅的知識與經驗,並透過師徒亦師亦友的互動關係,讓徒弟了解到有傳承師傅成功經驗及組織文化的使命,將師徒系統延續下去。 2.透過師徒系統內部師傅對徒弟(垂直式)、同儕之間(水平式)、師傅對徒孫(跨越式)、甚至是徒弟對師傅(逆向式)等等的知識移轉路徑,這些路徑相互交錯,在師徒系統內部形成一個區域人脈關係網絡,網絡內的每一個節點互相的移轉自己的知識經驗。 3.組織內部不同的師徒系統間互相交換資訊、經驗,系統跟系統間彼此連結形成一個組織人脈關係網絡,除了資源的分享外,系統間互相交叉輔導內部成員,使整體績效提升,組成一個全面性的工作團隊。 4.組織內不同師徒系統透過人脈關係網絡彼此互相合作,但又因績效的競賽而互相競爭,在一合一競的關係下,彼此有共識透過人脈關係網絡互相合作分享資源,並在合作的狀態下以良性競爭方式激起衝刺業績的組織氣氛,進而達到組織與內部成員雙方雙贏的局面。
This research aimed to analyze how guanxi network impact the transfer of knowledge between the mentoring system. In order to collect the data we use the interview method .We took seven participants, who belong to three different the mentoring systems and also in different position, including master, disciple and disciple's disciple. We found that: 1.The mentoring relationship has been built on their trust in this case, also by using the operation of mentoring system made the master’s knowledge and experience can quickly transfer to their disciple. 2.Knowledge transfer within the mentoring systems, like master to disciple (plumb knowledge transfer), peer learning (parallel knowledge transfer), master to disciple's disciple (jumpy knowledge transfer), and disciple to master (retrorse knowledge transfer). Those channels of knowledge transfer wove into their own local guanxi network. 3.Different mentoring systems exchange their information and experience. Also they will become an organizational guanxi network. In addition to shared resource, this system can also help each other to enhance performance. 4.Different mentoring systems in organization cooperate with each other harmoniously by guanxi network. On the other hand, they have to compete in performance. In this situation, everyone cooperates with each other and create a positive competition atmosphere. The final goal is to be a win-win situation.



人脈關係網絡, 師徒制, 知識移轉, Guanxi Network, Mentoring System, Knowledge Transfer

