

本研究藉由設計活動來表達對地方文化的關懷,利用視覺傳達設計的功能,以多元化角度的創作表現去發現地方文化之美,以提升對在地文化的認同。如何善用視覺傳達的優勢將地方文化轉化為成功的平面設計作品,加深地方印象,是本研究致力的方向。本論文將以全台灣最早成立第一座鄉鎮市級文化中心的台北縣新莊地為例,藉由視覺創作的表現,促使大眾認識新莊地方特色。 研究目標分為: 一、視覺傳達設計應用於地方文化的意義及功能。 二、探究新莊地方特色(歷史、傳統產業、信仰…等文化資產),以索緒爾的符號論轉化為代表符號。 三、依文化符碼角度分析新莊地區具代表之物件及意涵,再運用在視覺傳達設計上。 四、完成之作品能提供觀者對新莊之地方文化產生興趣或新的觀感即印象。 利用平設計讓觀者認識地方文史采風亦是一種方式,希望利用設計的吸引力對地方文化及保存有助益,讓發揚或宣傳地方文化的操作運用上,多一份思考,多一種呈現。
The research is a visual communication design that explores the beauty of local culture from diverse perspectives in order to inspire identity among viewers. Through the text, the goal of the research is to strive for merging cultural features into the 2D design in the hope of provoking a stronger impression. The cultural feature in Sin-Chuang city, Taipei County, also the first township which established cultural center in Taiwan, is the retrospect in this design work. The text includes several objectives: 1.The meanings and functions of applying visual communication design in cultural industry, 2.Utilizing Ferdinand de Saussure’s signs to interpret Sin Chuang local culture (i.e. cultural heritage, such as history, traditional industry, religion and belief and so on), 3.Analyzing Sin Chuang representative from the angle of culture code and utilizing it in the creation, 4.The outcome provides viewers a fresh impression and interest toward Sin Chuang culture. Applying local cultural as a theme in flat design is the alternative in cultural preservation and promotion since it attracts and interests viewers in different ways.



地方文化, 視覺傳達設計, 索緒爾, 文化符碼, Local culture, visual communication design, Saussure, culture code





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