

中文摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣民眾參與視覺藝術活動的休閒需求及阻礙,研究問題為:桃園縣民眾參與視覺藝術活動的休閒需求與休閒阻礙現況為何?桃園縣民眾之個人背景變項與參與視覺藝術活動的休閒需求及休閒阻礙之差異情形為何?桃園縣民眾參與視覺藝術活動的休閒需求與休閒阻礙之相關性為何?桃園縣民眾之個人背景變項對視覺藝術活動的休閒需求及休閒阻礙之預測力為何? 本研究以桃園縣參與視覺藝術類活動之民眾為對象,採立意取樣調查研究法,共抽取1150人,回收有效樣本數為384人。研究工具為根據研究目的與問題,蒐集相關文獻資料與量表,編製之「休閒需求量表」與「休閒阻礙量表」。調查所得資料採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、典型相關等統計方法加以處理。 本研究主要發現,歸納如下: 1.桃園縣參與視覺藝術活動者具中上程度的休閒需求與中下程度的休閒阻礙。 2.家庭藝文經驗與休閒需求及休閒阻礙均有顯著差異現象。 3.休閒需求及休閒阻礙之間有低度負相關。 4.家庭藝文經驗對休閒需求具有預測力。 5.家庭藝文經驗對休閒阻礙具有預測力等。 本研究提供桃園縣政府文化局推動視覺藝術休閒文化之相關政策建議如下: 1.策畫聯貫性及整體性的視覺藝術活動以增加民眾參與頻率 2.加強視覺藝術活動導覽賞析以降低參加民眾缺乏藝術素養的休閒阻礙因素 3.強化視覺藝術活動的美感品質並落實視覺藝術的生活美學內涵 4.策劃適合不同族群的視覺藝術活動 5.發行電子報行銷藝術活動及建立視覺藝術活動休閒同伴網絡 6.增聘專業人力及增列推展視覺藝術相關經費 7.推動桃園縣視覺藝術家庭計畫 8.與教育局合作共推視覺藝術教育與推廣活動 9.透過民眾共同參與桃園傳統工藝,傳承及發展工藝生活等。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore leisure needs and leisure constraints of the general public in Taoyuan County in terms of their participation in visual art activities, covering issues including: the status quo of the general public’s leisure needs, and leisure constraints in their participation in visual art activities; the social-demographic variables of the general public and the differences in their leisure needs and leisure constraints; the relationship of leisure needs and leisure constraints in their participation ; and the prediction for the social-demographic variables towards their participation and constraints in visual art activities. This study used questionnaires to collect data, which distributed to 1150 dominantly samples from the multitude participating in visual art activities at Taoyuan County, and 384 samples among those responded were valid. The research tools included “The Scale of Leisure needs” and “The Scale of Leisure constraints” compiled and revised on the basis of this study purpose, research questions, and the relative documentary data and scales. The collected data were analyzed by frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and canonical correlation. The major findings were as follows: 1. The participants have middle high degree on leisure needs, and lower level on leisure constraints regarding to their visual art activities. 2. The family art& literary experiences differed significantly in their leisure needs and leisure constraints. 3. There were low negative correlation between leisure needs and leisure constraints. 4. The family art & literary experiences had prediction to the leisure needs. 5. The family art & literary experiences also had prediction to the leisure constraints. According to findings above, this study proposed some specific suggestions for the Bureau of Culture of Taoyuan County Government as follows: 1. The coherent and integral visual art activities should be schemed to increase the general public’s participation frequency. 2. To develop people’s appreciation abilities in visual art to decrease constraints. 3. To intensify people’s aesthetic quality in visual art so as to make them equipped with aesthetic connotation in their life. 4. To plot various visual art activities for variety aged-groups. 5. To issue electronic papers to do marketing for art activities and to build up the Net for fans of visual art activities, 6. To employ more professionals and arrange further expenditure for such activities. 7. To boost family visual art plans for families in this county. 8. To cooperate with Bureau of Education to sound education with visual arts. 9. To pass on in addition to developing traditional handicraft life through people’s participation in this field.



視覺藝術, 休閒需求, 休閒阻礙, visual art, leisure needs, leisure constraints

