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包裝型態設計在包裝設計的領域中,一直是被忽略的角色,型態存在的價值往往被現實的行銷考量而犧牲其創造性。本創作研究以家飾業為例,探究包裝型態設計在家飾商品變化的可能性,試圖提出適切的型態創作建議運用於案例中。本創作研究分為三個階段進行:第一階段透過文獻探討瞭解包裝設計的型態定義,發掘包裝型態對展示銷售的影響,透過立體書展示型態的創意連結,找出型態設計的存在價值。第二階段利用對案例品牌、行銷人員、消費者、標竿品牌與競爭對手的分析,以及對企業主進行深度訪談結合文獻理論,期望探索包裝型態在家飾業上創新的可能性。第三階段將創作研究分析整理後進行創作,藉由創作成果詮釋包裝型態在家飾業之創新設計探索的價值,以及在進行包裝型態設計時,應以更寬闊的創新思維觀點建立設計策略,使包裝型態的設計更具多元的應用價值。 本創作研究成果是以融合立體書概念的包裝型態設計,以立體冊的型態方式呈現。立體冊具有立體書的展示視覺效果,也兼具包裝型態整合的實用性,能提供業主有效進行行銷計畫輔助商品銷售。
Designing of package style has been ignored due to marketing reason in package design for a long time. This study was aimed to explore the innovation possibilities of package style design in home decorations. This study was followed below steps: First, package design style was defined after literature reviewed, it was aimed to explore package style on display for sale and find out the value of designing style through pop-up book display style of creative link. Second, the innovation possibilities of package style in home decoration was been found out after analysis of case brands, marketers, consumers, benchmarking brand and competitors and interviewed with business owner. Finally, based on the result of this study, the value of innovation creation in home decoration was explained by creative package design. Designers should have more innovative strategies in designing package style to make it have more applied values. The creation of this research was the concept of pop-up book package types designed to render pop-up patterns of books. Pop-up books show three-dimensional visual effects, but also the practicality of integrating both packaging types, so that can provide an effective product marketing plan for business owner.



包裝設計, 包裝型態, 展示銷售, 立體書, 家飾(品), package design, package style, display for sale, Pop-up book, home decorations





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