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自從區塊鏈技術問世以來, 擴展性問題一直是其發展中的一大挑戰。為了提升區塊鏈的交易處理能力, Vitalik Buterin 和 Barry Whitehat 等先驅提出了 ZK-Rollup 作為一種 Layer 2 技術, 因其能夠在不犧牲安全性的前提下大幅提高交易吞吐量而備受矚目。ZK-Rollup 透過將大量交易捆綁成一個批次並生成零知識證明, 使得區塊鏈主網僅需驗證該證明即可確保交易的有效性, 從而大幅減少了鏈上數據的處理壓力。本研究針對區塊鏈 Layer 2 擴展技術中的 ZK-Rollup 狀態轉移效率問題, 提出了一種結合 Inner Product Argument (IPA) 和 KZG10 Polynomial Commitment Scheme 的創新方法。在大規模數據的批次更新的情境下, 此方法可以透過可接受範圍內證明者 (Prover) 運算負擔的增加, 提升了驗證者 (Verifier) 運算效率。這項特性無論對於智能合約的驗證, 或這要結合 zkSNARKs 技術都有著重要的意義。實驗結果證明了 Prover 所增加的運算負擔依舊使整套流程保持可行性, 並且確實降低了驗證過程的運算成本。本研究提供了一種新的權衡方案, 展示了在 Prover 運算效率與 Verifier 運算成本之間的平衡可能性。
Since the advent of blockchain technology, scalability has remained a significant challenge in its development. To enhance the transaction processing capacity of blockchains, pioneers like Vitalik Buterin and Barry Whitehat proposed ZK-Rollup as a Layer 2 technology. ZK-Rollup has garnered considerable attention due to its ability to significantly increase transaction throughput without compromising security. By bundling a large number of transactions into a batch and generating a zero-knowledge proof, ZK-Rollup enables the blockchain mainnet to verify the proof alone to ensure the validity of transactions, thereby greatly reducing the processing pressure on on-chain data.This study addresses the state transition efficiency problem in ZK-Rollup, a blockchain Layer 2 scaling technology, by proposing an innovative method that combines the Inner Product Argument (IPA) and the KZG10 Polynomial Commitment Scheme. In the context of batch updates of large-scale data, this method improves the verifier's computational efficiency at the expense of an acceptable increase in the prover's computational burden. This feature is of significant importance for the verification of smart contracts and the integration of zkSNARKs technology. Experimental results demonstrate that the increased computational burden on the prover remains feasible for the overall process and indeed reduces the computational cost of the verification process. This study provides a new trade-off solution, demonstrating the possibility of balancing prover computational efficiency with verifier computational cost.



none, zkSNARKs, KZG10, IPA, Polynomial Commitment Scheme, Reed-Solomon Fingerprinting





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