
dc.contributorHuang, Nai-Yingen_US
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Chao-Hsinen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究採用訪談與文件分析的方式來蒐集研究資料。本研究訪談對象,包括教育行政人員、學校行政人員、國中專任教師、國三學生家長、家長團體和國三學生,總計28人,訪談資料採用質性分析軟體NVivo Pro 11來進行編碼。本研究的主要結論如下: 一、教育政策治理術之論述合理性係基於立意良善的旨趣,但忽略了民情因素。此外,在權力運作上受到某種程度的抗拒,導致政策需要不斷的修正。 二、教育政策治理術結合他者治理與自我治理之治理技術,治理情境存在著複雜的因素,且治理關係存在著多重動態的力量。 三、利害關係人能對政策提出合理的質疑。教育主管機關的政策回應力,因不同的團體而有不同的強度。 四、教育政策治理術之政策卓越治理,雖然教育部積極在推動,但因政策的目標與手段錯置及現實條件的限制,導致理想目標尚未達成。 五、教育政策治理術對學校教學與學習監控的影響,包括實施補救教學、素養教學、差異化教學、強調教育會考的作用與教育會考的轉型。 六、教育政策治理術對學校行政的影響,包括強化生涯輔導與參訪活動、做好適性分流、引導多元發展、活化學習及社會適應力的增強。但也導致就讀私校與補習班風潮的負面效應。 七、教育政策治理術對學生學習的影響,包括重新反思階級再製和弱勢學生的不利地位及探求學生自我要求的壓力與自主學習的意志等。 八、教育政策治理術對落實未來政策的改進方法,包括促進領導者對他人信任的機制、提供學習的技藝及建構以民情為本的教育政策等。 九、教育政策治理術對落實未來政策的改進策略,包括風險思維與預防問題產生的策略、多維度分析與政策整合的策略及跨域治理的策略等。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to discuss the governmentality of education policy–taking the entrance system in 12-year basic education as an example. Data included qualitative data from semi-structured interviews and data analysis. The subjects of this study consisted of education-related administration staff, school administrators, full-time teachers, parents of ninth grade junior high school students, parent associations and ninth graders of junior high school, 28 participants in total. The researcher employed NVivio Pro 11 to decode and classify the interview data. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follow: 1.The rationality of governmentality of education policy mean to be positive, but it disregard the people sentiment. In addition, the operation of power met some degrees of oppositions which led the policy to be amended constantly. 2.The technique of governmentality of education policy involved both The governance of others and self-governance characteristics. Owing to the complication of governance situation, multiple dynamic power should be embedded in the governmental relationship.  3.All stakeholders can raise reasonable question to the education policy. The response of the policy from MOE might vary from group to group. 4.The excellence effect of governmentality of education policy, although the MOE is actively take the initiative, but due to the misalignment of policy objectives and means and the limitations of realistic conditions, the ideal goal has not yet been accomplished. 5.The effect of governmentality of education policy on school instruction and learning surveillance dimension: the policy needs to focus on remedial instruction, literacy teaching, differentiated instruction, highlighting the function of Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School students and its transformation. 6.The effect of governmentality of education policy on school administration dimension: the policy needs to focus on career guidance and visiting activities, make adaptive shunt, diversification development, activate learning and the enhancement of social adaption. Nevertheless, it also led to the negative effects of the private school and cram school. 7.The effect of governmentality of education policy on student learning dimension: the policy needs to focus on policy makers should reflect the class reproduction, the unfavorable situations of disadvantaged students, the pressure of self-demanding and the willpower of independent learning exist. 8.The improvement tactic of future governmentality of education policy: boost the mechanism of leader’ trust to others, offer the learning techniques and follow public opinions to construct policies. 9.The improvement strategies of future governmentality of education policy: provide strategies to prevent emerging questions and possessing risk thinking, provide strategies to integrate policy and implementing multi-dimensional analysis and provide strategies to govern across-boundaries.en_US
dc.subjectEducation policyen_US
dc.subjectGovernmentality of education policyen_US
dc.subject12-Year Basic Educationen_US
dc.titleThe Research of Governmentality of Education Policy–Taking the Entrance System in 12-Year Basic Education Policy as an Exampleen_US

