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本研究旨在探討創造性問題解決教學對國中資優學生創造力及創造性問題解決能力的影響。研究方法採準實驗設計的不等組前-後測控制設計。研究對象為二所國中各29名一年級資優學生,一所為實驗組,另一所則為控制組,進行16週之教學實驗。研究者以「拓弄思圖形創造思考測驗(甲式)」、「拓弄思語文創造思考測驗(乙式)」、「新編創造思考測驗」及「自編創造性問題解決作業單」為評量工具,以及「學生訪談內容」、「教師教學日誌」之內容進行資料分析。本研究主要結果如下。 一、實驗組學生在圖形流暢力、變通力、獨創力及精進力的表現均顯著優於控制組學生。 二、實驗組學生在語文流暢力、變通力及獨創力的表現均顯著優於控制組學生。 三、實驗組學生在發現資料、發現問題、發現解決及尋求接受階段的擴散性思考能力表現顯著優於控制組學生。 四、實驗組學生在發現困惑、發現資料、發現問題、發現主意、發現解決及尋求接受六個階段的聚斂性思考能力表現優於控制組學生。 五、實驗組學生在擴散性思考能力運用的完整性優於聚斂性思考能力。 六、實驗組學生在發現困惑、發現問題、發現主意及發現解決四個階段的表現較優秀;在發現資料及尋求接受此二階段的表現較弱。 七、發現困惑、發現問題、發現主意、發現解決這四個階段是學生認為有趣的、容易實施的,而且是在創造性問題解決思考過程中很需要的階段。 八、發現資料與尋求接受這二個階段是學生認為較生硬的、很困難的、不易思考的,而且是在CPS思考過程中不需要的階段。 研究者根據本研究結果,提出未來實施創造性問題解決教學及相關研究之建議
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of the creative problem solving teaching method for the gifted junior high school students. A quasi pre-post experiment and control group design was used in this study. The subjects were 58 7th grade gifted students from two junior high schools. Twenty nine subjects from one school were selected as the experiment group, while the other 29 from another school were the control group. Sixteen weeks teaching experimentswere implemented. "Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking-Figural Test"、"Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking-Verbal Test"、"New Creativity Test" and "Creative Problem Solving Worksheet" were used to collect data. Student interview and the teachers’ teaching notes were also implemented and analyzed. The main findings were as followed. 1. The performances of the experiment group were significantly better than those of the control group in figure fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. 2. The performances of the experiment group were significantly better than those of the control group in verbal fluency, flexibility, and originality. 3. The performances of the experiment group were significantly better than those of the control group in datd-finding,problem- finding,solution- finding and acceptance-finding of CPS. 4. The performances of the experiment group were significantly better than those of the control group in mess-finding,data-finding, problem-finding , idea-finding , solution-finding and acceptance- finding, and the six convergent thinking abilities of CPS. 5. The performances of the experiment group did significantly better in the use of divergent thinking abilities than that of convergent thinking abilities in the CPS process. 6. The performances of the experiment group did better in mess-finding, problem-finding, idea-finding and solution-finding but not in data-finding and acceptance-finding during CPS process. 7. Students found that the most interesting, easiest and highly important phases were mess-finding, problem-finding, idea-finding and solution-finding. 8. Students found that the most inexperienced and the most difficult phases were finding information and looking for acceptance, which were not needed in the process of CPS thinking. Based on the findings, the researcher provided some suggestions on the implementation of teaching creative problem solving in the future.



創造性問題解決, 資優學生, creative problem solving, gifted students





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