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本研究旨在瞭解高中職生的親密關係限制信念內容,並探究不同背景變項的高中職學生在親密關係限制信念上的差異與影響情形。研究以台灣地區高中職學生為研究對象,採問卷調查法,以分層比例方便取樣方式,針對全台北中南東四區、九所高中職發出1440份問卷,回收有效問卷1265份。所蒐集資料以描述性統計、探索性因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、多元迴歸分析等統計方法,描述樣本特性並驗證研究假設。主要研究結果如下: 一、高中職生傾向同意「親密關係限制信念」中的「婚前同居比較好」、「完全確定」及「宿命觀」的限制信念,其中以「完全確定」此一信念平均得分最高,表示高中職生持有該信念程度最高。 二、高中職生的「性別」、「戀愛經驗」、「學校類型」、「就讀年級」、「社經地位」及「性別角色」對個人認同親密關係限制信念程度有影響,而「父母婚姻狀態」、「家庭組成型態」及「知覺父母婚姻關係」則對個人所持之親密限制信念無影響。 三、整體而言:有戀愛經驗的男生認同親密關係限制信念程度較高。有戀愛經驗、高中三年級、性別角色為兩性化男生較認同「婚前同居」;高一、性別角色為兩性化男生較認同「有愛就夠」;有戀愛經驗、家庭社經地位中等、性別角色為女性化的男生較認同「完全確信」;無戀愛經驗、性別角色為未分化者較認同「完美伴侶」;有戀愛經驗、高一、性別角色為未分化者較認同「爭執具有破壞性」。 根據研究結果,針對高中職生、高中家政課程及未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study is to explores the constraining beliefs about intimate relationships of senior and vocational high school students, and discuss how the effect of demographic variables and gender role on it. The data was collected by 1265 complet questionnaires.The major findings are presented as follows: 1.High schools students claimed agree with parts of constraining beliefs about intimate relationships, such as: “Cohabitation”, “Complete Assurance” and “fate”, which means they believe in “couples live toghther before marriage will improve marriage”, “they must feel completely assured of relationships”and “mate selection is a matter of chance and hard to control”. 2.In Summary, “gender”, “love experience”, “school type”, “grades”, “family socioeconomic status” and “gender role ” had significant effect on constraining beliefs about intimate relationships. In the other hand, there’s no effect from “parents’ marriage status”, “family types” and “perception of parents’ marriage”. 3.Men with love experience held more constraining beliefs about intimate relationships; Androgynous men who study in senior high school third grade and had love experience are more agree with “Cohabitation”; Androgynous men study in first grade are more agree with“Love is enough” ; Feminine men who had love experience from medium socioeconomic status family are more agree with“Complete Assurance” ; Who had no love experience and undifferentiated are more agree with “The perfect partner” ; First grade students who had love experience and undifferentiated are more agree with “ Disagreement is destructive”. According to the findings, suggestions for senior and vocational high school students, home economics course in high school, and future researches are addressed.



親密關係, 高中學生, 限制信念, 性別角色, intimate relationships, senior high school students, constraining beliefs, gender roles





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