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Kotler, Roberto& Lee認為社會行銷是一種為了解決社會議題的策略,特別著重於行為的改變。亦言之,社會行銷理論是達成社會變革運動(social change campaign)的一種策略。 國光石化開發案於2011年間經常登上媒體版面,是台灣典型經濟發展與環境保護間容易發生衝突的政府施政重大投資案。「反國光石化」議題於2009年至2011年期間逐漸延燒,成為台灣社會輿論關注焦點。觀察反國光石化運動,運動期間持續受到各界的聲援包括學界、醫界、藝文界、青年學生、環保團體等紛紛發佈連署聲明,區隔化的公民群體皆以不同的專業身份表明支持反國光石化的立場,終而形成一股公民力量迫使政府改變原訂國家政策。 本研究認爲由公民團體為首推動的反國光石化運動,透過喚起社會大眾的意識與關注,獲得社會大眾自願性的支持與聲援,進而凝聚社會輿論壓力形成一股公民力量,迫使政府改變國家計劃的訴求過程,即是一個社會行銷的過程。 因此,本研究試從社會行銷概念探討藝文界推展的藝文行動如何在環境運動的場域中進行實踐的過程,並結合Putnam社會資本三大要素分析藝文界反國光石化運動的網絡動員,如何運用社會行銷理論規劃策略性的行動,進而整合資源累積社會資本。本文的待答問題為,藝文界如何參與反國光石化運動,其策略為何?運作模式為何?藝文界為何參與反國光石化對於運動,其理念為何?以及藝文界參與反國光石化運動,產生了哪些影響?是以,相較於過去環境運動以街頭抗爭、暴力衝突的不同形態。本研究重點聚焦於觀察反國光石化運動中,由藝文界發起的藝文行動,其所展現的軟性訴求及參與形式,是否擴展了反國光石化運動的社會能見度及社會影響力,是否促使民眾參與公共議題的機會提升公民意識,是否有助於累積社會資本、建構公民社會。
Kotler, Roberto& Lee claimed that social marketing is a strategy that tackles social issues with a particular emphasis on behavior change. In other words, the social marketing theory is a kind of strategies aiming at realizing social change movement (social change campaign). The KuoKuang Petrochemical Development Project (KKPDP) was frequently reported in media in 2011 due to the fact that the KKPDP was a typical major investment project that existed a conflict between the government's economic policy and environmental protection in Taiwan. Thus, the idea of "Anti-KuoKuang Petrochemical Industry" had gradually spread and become a significant issue in Taiwan between 2009 and 2011. The Anti-KuoKuang Petrochemical Industry Movement (AKKPIM) was supported by people from various sectors, including academic circles, medical community, artists and cultural workers, young students, and environmental groups. They signed petitions to express their opposing viewpoints on the KKPDP, which, in turn, formed a civil force compelling the government to change the original policies. This study suggests that the civil groups-led AKKPIM drew public attention and gained voluntary support from the public via arousing public awareness, which, in turn, aggregated public opinion and formed a civil force to make the government change the original plan. Such a process could be considered as a process of social marketing. Therefore, this study tries to investigate the process of how artists and cultural workers promote their activities in the field of an environmental movement from the social marketing aspect. Furthermore, this study adopted Putnam’s concept of social capital to analyze (1) how the artists and cultural workers mobilized their supporters to participate in the AKKPIM via their networks, (2) how they applied social marketing theories to make strategic action plans, integrate the resources, and accumulate social capital. The research questions of this study include three aspects: networks, norms, and trust. More specifically, three research questions were investigated (1) how the artists and cultural workers participated in the AKKPIM (2) why the artists and cultural workers participated in the AKKPIM and (3) what impacts have them created? In contrast with past environmental movements, which involved street protests, and violent conflict, the artists and cultural workers-initiated AKKPIM expressed soft demand and a mild form of participation. On the one hand, this study focuses on whether such a mild form of participation extended the social visibility and social influence of the AKKPIM. On the other hand, this study also cares about whether such a mild form of participation promoted the citizens to participate in public issues, enhanced people’s consciousness of citizenship, helped accumulate social capital, and facilitated the construction of civil society.



社會行銷, 反國光石化運動, 社會資本, 公民社會, Social Marketing, Anti-KuoKuang Petrochemical Industry Movement, Social Capital, Civil Society





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