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本研究是運用差異化教學進行設計中音直笛課程,探討新北市國中九年級學生學習成效之班級個案研究。本研究利用 Tomlinson (1995)所提出之差異化教學(Differentiated Instruction)理念,運用於常態分班之國民中學學生,進行中音直笛教學課程設計及施行。 本研究以流行歌曲為直笛教學教材,進行為期六週的課堂教學。研究對象為新北市公立國中九年級三個班學生,共計 84 人,依據各班不同的班級風格及學習模式進行班級內的彈性分組,設計差異化教學方案。並透過學生直笛吹奏評定量表、課堂回饋單及教學省思日誌之資料分析而成。研究結論如下: 一、利用差異化教學進行設計之教學方案,施用於國民中學階段的班級直笛練習課程確實可行,且透過樂曲自主選擇及適性分組以資達成。 二、小組學習策略運用於直笛教學方案中,確實提升學生學習信心與動機,使得學生的直笛吹奏基本技巧能力與直笛齊奏能力有明顯進步。 三、考量班級學習風格,藉由讓學生投票決定課堂歌曲的策略,以增加學生課堂參與感和提升學生學習意願及學習興趣。 研究者並依據前述結論提出對教學者與未來研究的建議,包含:教師應適度地運用自選歌曲策略及採用流行歌曲進行教學、教師可以運用不同分組方式於音樂直笛教學的課程上;而未來相關研究可擴大研究對象、延長研究期程、採用協同教學精進教學策略及分組方式的設計。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the effect on recorder learning of ninth graders by teaching with differentiated instruction. The researcher designed the course based on Carol Tomlinson’s theory to teach students with different levels how to play the recorder. The course was carried out in six weeks, and the teaching method adopted was popular songs. Eighty-four ninth graders of junior high school in New Taipei City were selected as the participants of this study. By analyzing the assessments of students on playing the recorder, the feedback sheets of students, and the teaching journals, the findings of this study are summarized as follows. 1. Teaching method with differentiated instruction has effect on learning the recorder in junior high schools, and through the music selection and appropriate grouping to achieve. 2. Cooperative learning in class indeed boosts the confidence and the motivation of students. Besides, students make progresses in learning basic skills to play the recorder individually or with others. 3. According to different learning styles of students in different classes, songs to learn in class are chosen by students themselves. Thus, students have more interests and motivation in class. Finally, based on the results, some suggestions are discussed and proposed as reference for future studies.



差異化教學, 適性教學, 國中直笛教學, 流行歌曲, differentiated instruction, adaptive instruction, teaching the recorder in junior high school, popular songs





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