

本研究旨在豁顯弗雷勒的意識覺醒理論,並以此開顯我國道德教育的 視野。執此研究旨趣,本研究即藉由內容分析、歷史詮釋與批判詮釋學的方法,漸次條縷分析並詮釋弗雷勒的生命歷程、意識覺醒理論的背景及內涵;最後,則探討弗雷勒意識覺醒理論對我國道德教育的蘊義,進而掘發出實踐人性化道德教育方式的建議,以為革新我國道德教育方案的參酌,形塑人性化道德教育情境的基礎,以致增益師生的道德批判能力,重建更符合人性發展的道德教育圖象。 基此認識,本研究分別從理念與實務探討弗雷勒意識覺醒理論對我國 道德教育的蘊義。首先,在意識覺醒理論對我國道德教育理念開展的蘊義方面,本研究認為我國教師在進行道德教育實踐時,可以融入下列的理念: (一)解放的教師應致力於消解受教者對自由的恐懼;(二)師生應致力於破除統治階級所捏造的神話;(三)師生應凝聚共識致力實踐人性化的道德教育。其次,在意識覺醒理論對我國道德教育實務開展的蘊義方面,本研究認為我國教師在進行道德教育實踐時,可以融入提問式及對話式的教育理念與活動。 若藉上述理念及實踐指引,人性化的道德教育方有實現的可能。而師 生的意識才能提昇至批判意識,批判反省不合理的現實,進而覺醒自身是自由的、主體性的、人性化的、實踐的、關係的、意識的、歷史的及語言的等多面向的存有,以致獲致解放,讓自身成為更完善之人。
ABSTRACT This research aims at exploring Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and illuminating its implications on moral education in our country. In order to achieve the above research purpose, this research make use of the research methods, including content analysis, historical hermeneutics, and critical hermeneutics. Furthermore, before embarking upon Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, the researcher will, first of all, attempt to illustrate Paulo Freire’s lifetime. In addition, the researcher will focus on the exploration, which is mainly concerned with the social and philosophical background of thought of conscientizao. In the end, the researcher will illuminate Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and inquire its implications on the praxis of humanizing moral education. More precisely speaking, in other words, this research aims to emphasize and develop the importance of humanizing moral education, which is based on Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao. Hence, this research intends to explore Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and illuminate its implications on moral education. The educational implications are made as follows:1. the liberating teachers should do their best to abolish the fear of freedom of students;2. teachers and students should engage in getting rid of various myths which the ruling class produces;3. teachers and students should try to develop the humanizing moral education. Besides, teachers should develop the humanizing moral education which involves the praxis of problem-posing education and dialogical education. Based on the above implications on moral education which results from Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, teachers and students, in the praxis of humanizing moral education, are able to raise their consciousness to critical consciousness, and liberate themselves from the oppressive reality that crushes them. Namely. they can conscientize themselves. Above all, through the liberating praxis of moral education, teachers and students can become a more fully human.



弗雷勒, 意識覺醒, 批判意識, 道德教育, P. Freire, Conscientizao, Critical Consciousness, Moral Education





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