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台灣傳統藝術在現今社會意識型態與自我認同的影響下,進而表現出藝術本身於在地文化及表演藝術的自我定位,由於時代迅速轉變、西方文化的影響,從演員的演出方式一路到觀眾們的觀看形式,各個面向都與以往的方式並不相同,許多傳統藝術在現代社會下並不被給予適當的接受與認同,導致消失殆盡,因此傳統文化如何走入現代的環境裡,是一個重要的議題,或許是透過現代的技術來吸引更多觀眾們的喜愛,又或許是結合不同素材創造出新的演出方法。南管音樂演出場地上從最傳統的館閣演出模式踏入到現代劇場,有許多新型的表演藝術團體出現,2003 年王心心在林懷民老師的鼓勵下創立了「心心南管樂坊」,一路從戲劇形式慢慢轉變成音樂類別,近期創作由古典詩詞為出發點,運用傳統藝術來探索新的表演素材從中探討在現代環境下的轉變。本研究主旨在探討「心心南管樂坊」在現代瞬息萬變的環境中如何去經營劇團,採取文獻資料法及深入訪談法的方式進行,並與文獻資料上 1983 年陳美娥女士所成立第一個南管表演藝術團體「漢唐樂府」及 1993 年周逸昌先生(已逝)成立的「江之翠劇場」來探討南管表演藝術團隊的成立背景、經營模式、組織管理等等並進行 SWOT 分析。「傳統」與「現代」的結合及創新一直都是現今的潮流,在新事物的出現,「傳統」的本質是否依舊存在著,如何在這之中找尋自己的經營模式?本研究從心心南管樂坊於現代環境中的經營模式,針對目前狀況進行反思,結合相關的文獻探討及專業人士的訪談,與自己所分析的理論,期許提供給傳統藝文團體有一個更明確的方向。
Under the influence of today's social ideology and self-identity, Taiwanese traditional art expresses the self-positioning. Due to the rapid change of the times and the influence of Western culture, starting from how the actors perform to different ways of how the audience view the performance, all kinds of aspects are different from the past. Many traditional arts have not been properly accepted and recognized in modern society, leading to disappearance. Therefore, how does traditional culture enter the modern society? Perhaps to attract more audiences through modern technology or combining different materials to create new performance methods.Nanguan music performance venues have stepped from the most traditional pavilion performance to modern theaters, and many new types of art performing groups have appeared. In 2003, XinXin Wang formed" XinXin Nanguan Ensemble " under the encouragement of HwaiMin Lin, started from the theater performance shifted to more of a music performance, the recent creations are all based on classical poetry, using traditional art to explore new performance materials and discuss the transformation in the modern environment. The main purpose of this research is to explore how the " XinXin Nanguan Ensemble " manages the troupe in the modern and ever-changing environment. It adopts the methods of documentation and in-depth interviews. The first Nanguan performance art group"Han Tang Yuefu" and " Gang-a Tsui Theater" established by Mr. Zhou Yichang (deceased) in 1993 to discuss the establishment background 、 business model 、organization managementet of Nanguan performing arts team and conduct SWOT analysis. The combination and innovation of "tradition" and "modernity" has always been the current trend. With the emergence of new things, whether the essence of "tradition" still exists, and how to find their own operating methods? This research focuses on the operation model of XinXin Nanguan Ensemble in the modern environment, reflects on the current situation, combines relevant literature research and professional interviews with the theory analyzed by myself, and hopes to provide a better solution for traditional art and cultural groups clear direction.



南管表演藝術團體, 經營模式, 漢唐樂府, 江之翠劇場, 心心南管樂坊, performing arts group of Nanguan, business model, HanTang YueFu, Gang-a Tsui Theater, XinXin Nanguan Ensemble

