

本研究經由調查研究法瞭解家長階級、子女性別與家長管教方式的關係,旨在探究不同階級與子女性別是否對於生涯管教及人格管教產生影響。 生涯管教分為生涯期望及課業參與,人格管教分為人格期望及行為導引。研究方法採量化方式,透過雙因子變異數分析考驗不同子女性別、階級在管教方式上是否產生差異,亦使用Pearson積差相關及階層迴歸分析不同子女性別、家長教育程度、家長職業類別對管教方式的相關及預測力。 透過上述統計分析有以下發現:一、性別與階級對生涯管教及人格管教並無交互作用。二、不同階級的家長在生涯期望、課業參與、人格期望及行為導引有所差異。三、不同性別的子女所接受的生涯期望、課業參與及行為導引亦有差異。四、性別能有效預測生涯期望及行為導引;管教方式間亦可有效預測彼此。 經由以上發現,本研究獲得以下結論:一、階級與性別對管教方式並無交互作用,但家長職業類別與性別則有。二、階級越高,管教方式越趨積極。三、家長階級因素主要透過管教方式發揮影響力。四、父母對子女未來的成就期望及教育參與仍受性別影響。五、父母期望子女皆能形成內控人格,但對女兒較採平等說理之行為導引。六、家長教育程度及職業類別對管教方式的影響力需綜合視之最後。本研究根據研究結論提出未來可進一步研究探討之可行方向及建議。
The purpose of this study tries to understand the relationship among class, children’s gender and parental disciplines in senior high school in Taiwan. Parental disciplines were divided into career discipline and personality discipline. Statistical methods such as “descriptive statistics” are reported as mean for continuous variables; continuous variables are analyzed using “two-way ANOVA”. In addition, “Pearson correlation coefficient “and “Multiple Regression Analysis” are performed. The major findings are as follows: 1.Class and gender doesn’t have interaction to parental disciplines, but parents’ career and gender does. 2.The higher class, the positive parental disciplines. 3.Parental background’s affection is acting through parents disciplines. 4.Parents except their sons to get higher diploma and income than daughters. 5.Parents except their children to form internal control personality, but they use higher self-direction to daughters. 6.Parents’ level of education and level of occupation should integrate into one variable, such as class.



階級, 管教, 生涯管教, 人格管教, class, parenting, parental discipline, career disciplin, personality discipline





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