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國民中小學九年一貫課程已然全面實施,其中負責藝術教育工作的「藝術與人文」學習領域,最備受矚目但也爭議最多的兩項特點,一是其將音樂、視覺藝術、表演藝術學習歸併至一處的統整課程架構,二是其特重人文素養的教學目標。但以研究者所見,不論支持或反對者,鮮有就藝術活動之本質、運作狀態、與特殊性而對此爭議點展開討論者。本研究之目的便在於剖析美感經驗的狀態及特殊性、探討藝術活動在自律與他律價值上的意義、從藝術創作、傳達、欣賞與品鑑的心物關聯析論各類型藝術在本質與運作上的異同,同時分析探討藝術與人文學習領域的基本理念、課程目標、實施要點,以及全領域課程綱要與之相關的部分命題與概念。最後再以業已確立的美學觀點檢驗「藝術與人文」的理念與實施是否符合或者背離了藝術的原理原則與特殊性問題,以作為藝術與人文領域實際實施、施行與否、或實施方法修訂的參考。 經研究發現,基於音樂、視覺藝術、表演藝術在創作、欣賞、評鑑上各自需要專門的媒材符號與形式語法理解認知訓練,而此項訓練與學習既不可代換又不可移轉,同時不同類別藝術也由於使用媒材符號語法的不同,各自有其適於與不適於表現的主題和內容,因此各類別藝術在創作欣賞評鑑以及相關媒材知能訓練的學習活動上難以統整進行。而以藝術陶冶涵育人文素養、十大基本能力、融入六大議題方面,研究結果認為後三者可區分為「直接關乎藝術」與「非直接關乎藝術」兩種。在直接關乎藝術的部分,藝術與人文領域教學責無旁貸,而且也沒有其它領域可以為之代勞;但對於非直接關乎藝術的概念、命題、態度、與知能,藝術教育則只適合提供它們入情入理出現與陳述的境況。此外對於人文素養的培養,經研究發現藝術與人文領域無法直接從事進行、功能與效果無法預測與界定的,遠比它所能直接進行的要多。 根據本研究最後歸納導出的的主要研究結果,以及研究歷程中發現的次要與附屬結果,研究者並提出若干建議,作為教育主管機關、課程設計者、第一線藝術教育工作者、以及後續相關或深入研究之參考。
The Grade 1-9 Curriculum has already been put into practice. In which, the Arts and Humanities because of its fusing traditional music, visual arts, and performing arts disciplines into one Learning Area, and the curriculum goals focusing at the humanistic literacy, is highly striking and argued. However, neither the supporters nor the dissenters have discussed the questionable points through the essence of arts, the operating states of arts, and the features of art activities. The study first analyzed the states and the features of aesthetic experiences, discussed the inner and external value of art activities, and explored the similarities and dissimilarities of different arts. Then, the research probed into the Curriculum Rationale, the Curriculum Goals, the practice principles of the Arts and Humanities Curriculum, and some relative concepts and statements originated from Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines. Finally, the study explored the concept and practice of Arts and Humanities through aesthetics, examined whether they corresponding or interfering the aesthetic principles. And then, brought up conclusions and suggestions concerning the realization and correction of the Arts and Humanities Curriculum. Since on creating, appreciating, and examining progresses, music, visual arts, and performing arts each needs proper capabilities and trainings related with specific media and symbols. Besides, the training and learning related with media and symbols cannot be substitute by the others. Furthermore, due to the particularities of the media and symbols, each kind of art has particular subjects suitable or not for them to express. Therefore, it is difficult to integrate the learning activities concerning different kinds of arts. To touch upon the topic of art education and humanistic literacy, 10 Core Competences, etc., art education must take charge of them directly concerning with art, but it can only give situations for them not directly concerning with art to appear. To improve the humanistic literacy, the category Arts and Humanities can do effectively is much more narrower than it cannot do directly. According to the primary and secondary results of this study, the researcher brought up some specific proposals for the reference of the first line teachers, curriculum designers, education administration organizations, and follow-up researchers.



九年一貫, 藝術與人文, 美學, 課程統整, 9-Year Joint Curriculum, Grade 1-9 Curriculum, Aesthetic, Aesthetics, Arts and Humanities, Curriculum integration





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