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本研究旨在探討高中師生對公民與社會科經濟課程之觀點,探討教學時數、教學方法、教學評量是否為影響師生經濟課程觀點的相關因素,在經濟課程觀點上,是否分別具有顯著差異;並分析教師的背景變項(教學年資、95課綱經濟課程教授次數、學歷背景、在職進修)以及學生的背景變項(性別、組別、家庭)是否影響其對於經濟課程之觀點。為達研究之目的,本研究主要以自編之「高中教師公民與社會科經濟課程觀點問卷」、「高中學生公民與社會科經濟課程觀點問卷」進行問卷調查,輔以訪談法以臻研究設計之完備。本研究之結果發現如下: 一、不同教學時數、教學方法多元性、教學評量多元性之教師,在經濟課程各向度觀點皆無顯著差異。 二、不同上課時數、教學方法多元性、教學評量多元性之學生,在經濟課程部分向度觀點具有顯著差異。 三、不同個人背景變項之教師,在經濟課程部分向度觀點具有顯著差異。 四、不同個人背景變項之學生,在經濟課程部分向度觀點具有顯著差異。 五、各變項對於教師的經濟課程觀點僅在部分向度觀點具有解釋力,且具有統計上之顯著性。 六、各變項對於學生的經濟課程觀點具有解釋力,且具有統計上之顯著性。 據本研究之結果,歸納研究發現作為結論,亦提出對教育相關單位、公民與社會科教師以及對未來研究者的建議,以作為經濟課程修正以及後續研究之參考。
The aim of this study was to explore the perspectives on Economic Curriculum of Civics and Society from senior high school teachers and students. This study inquired whether the teaching hours, methods, and assessment is to influence the view of teachers and students of economic courses relevant factors, and if there is any significant differences on the economic curriculum point of view respectively. Moreover, the analysis of teachers’ demographic variables (i.e. years of experience in teaching, the number of times in 95 guidelines economics curriculum teaching, academic background and refresher training course) as well as students’ demographic variables (i.e. gender, majors group, family) would be possible to influence the perception of the curriculum. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher undertook two questionnaire surveys, which are “The questionnaire of the perspectives on Economic Curriculum of Civics and Society from senior high school teachers” and ”The questionnaire of the perspectives on Economic Curriculum of Civics and Society from senior high school students”.Moreover, this study also conducted interviews of selected teachers to reinforce a comprehensive survey. Results are generalized as follows: 1. There was no statistically significant difference on perspectives of every spheres of economic curriculum among teachers with different teaching hours, method diversity and assessment variety. 2. There was statistically significant difference existed on perspectives of every spheres of economic curriculum among students with different teaching hours, method diversity and assessment variety 3. There was statistically significant difference on perspectives of some spheres of economic curriculum among teachers with different demographic variables was shown. 4. There was statistically significant difference on perspectives of some spheres of economic curriculum among students with different demographic variables was shown. 5. Each variable can support the explanation of the perspectives of some spheres of economic curriculum by teachers, and there is patency in statistics. 6. Each variable can support the explanation of the perspectives on economic curriculum by students, and there is patency in statistics. In conclusion, according to the findings in the present study, the study hopefully would provide suggestions as for the education authorities, Civic and Society teachers, the revision of economic curriculum and future research.



95課綱, 課程觀點, 經濟教育, 經濟課程, curriculum guidelines (95 guidelines), curriculum perspectives, economic education, Economic Curriculum

