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1941 年包括殖民地台灣、朝鮮在內,日本全國的初等教育機關全部改為「國民學 校」,成為培養「少國民」的機構。國民學校不只是教育機關名稱的改變,因應教育目 的的改變,教授科目也大幅調整,教科書也全部改編。例如將國語、修身、歷史、地 理合併為著重國民精神涵養的國民科,體操課也改為更具軍事教練意義的體鍊科等, 表現了戰時體制對「少國民」精神及身體的要求。 國民學校的改制,當然與日本發動對外戰爭的發展有關。過去雖然有不少關於戰 爭時期教育史的相關研究,但是以國民學校制度作為主題的研究可以說幾乎沒有。殖 民地台灣國民學校的研究,不論從台灣教育史、帝國統治史、1940 年代的歷史以及思 考台灣戰前、戰後的連續性來看,都是非常重要且有意義的工作。 本研究擬從以下幾個面向來探討殖民地台灣的國民學校:一、走向國民學校之道 (1930 年代後期以後至1941 年的國家、社會、教育、思想動向);二、殖民地台灣國民 學校的成立(法規、制度、各種規定、政策意圖);三、國民學校的教育活動(學校經營、 課程內容、儀式性活動);四、國民學校與社會(與地方社會的互動、戰爭動員等);五、 記憶中的國民學校(口述訪談或回憶錄中的國民學校生活);六、國民學校的1945(1945 年前後國民學校的情形)。
All of the primary schools in Taiwan, Chosen and Japan were changed to "national elementary school" in 1941. This change has something to do with the war of Japan launching. Not only the school name but also the educational contents have a large change. This book will contain the following items: (1)The front history of the national elementary school (2)The regulations concerning approval of the national elementary school (3)The educational contents and events of the national elementary school (4)The school and local society (5)School life in memory (6)the national elementary school in 1945
All of the primary schools in Taiwan, Chosen and Japan were changed to "national elementary school" in 1941. This change has something to do with the war of Japan launching. Not only the school name but also the educational contents have a large change. This book will contain the following items: (1)The front history of the national elementary school (2)The regulations concerning approval of the national elementary school (3)The educational contents and events of the national elementary school (4)The school and local society (5)School life in memory (6)the national elementary school in 1945