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本研究目的在瞭解台中市高職學生使用保險套知識、態度、自我效能及行為意圖的現況及其相關因素。本研究採立意取樣,選取107年度就讀台中市某公立高職夜間部一年級學生為研究對象,研究工具採自編之結構式問卷,共得有效問卷63份,回收率78.7%,研究結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象有性經驗學生比率為11.1%,最早發生性交經驗年齡14歲,最晚發生性交經驗年齡20歲,平均發生性交經驗年齡為16.4歲,有性經驗的學生在第一次性交經驗時57.1%未戴套。 二、性知識的答對率為71.25%,屬於中上程度瞭解,研究對象女生性知識表現顯著優於男生,表示男生對於懷孕知識、避孕及預防感染性病知識等正確知識仍須加強。 三、研究對象性知識與使用保險套態度是顯著正相關;研究對象使用保險套自我效能與使用保險套行為意圖是顯著正相關。 四、研究對象保險套態度、使用保險套自我效能兩項變相能夠有效預測使用保險套行為意圖,共同的解釋力為62.7%,其中以使用保險套自我效能最具影響力。
The aim of this study was to examine the behavioral intention of condom use and the related factors of vocational high school students in Taichung City. A questionnaire survey was administered to collect data on students’ knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and the behavioral intensions of condom use in one vocational high school in Taichung City. A total of 63 respondents from this vocational high school were collected. The recovery rate is 78.7%.The results of this study were: 1. 11.1% of the surveyed students reported to have sexual experiences. The earliest experience of sexual intercourse was 14 years old. The age of the latest sexual intercourse was 20 years old. The averaged age of the sexual experience was 16.4. 57.1% of the students with experience of sexual intercourse do not used condoms. 2. The students' sexual knowledge were in the upper-middle level with an averaged score of sexual knowledge in 71.25%. Female students' sexual knowledge is significantly better than male students. Male students need to improve their knowledge in pregnancy, contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. 3. Theresearch subjects' sexual knowledge is positively correlated with attitude of condom use. The research subjects' self-efficacy of condom use is positively correlated with the behavior intention of condom use. 4. Research subjects' attitude and self-efficacy of condom use can effectively predict the behavior intentions of condom use with the explanatory power of 62.7%, where self-efficacy of the condom use is the most influential among all predictors.



使用保險套知識, 使用保險套態度, 使用保險套自我效能, 使用保險套行為意圖, knowledge of condom use, attitudes of condom use, self-efficacy of condom use, behavioral intensions of condom use





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