

國小資優班創造思考教學實施現況與成效研究 摘 要 本研究的主要目的為:(1) 探討國小資優班實施創造思考教學的現況,(2) 探討國小資優 班學生的創造思考表現,(3)探討資優班創造思考教學實施狀況與學生創造思考表現之間的 關係。 研究對象為我國的國小資優班,樣本為取自台灣北、中、南三區的18名資優班教師與212名 資優班學生 (包括集中式智優班與資優資源班兩種班級型態)。研究工具為研究者自編的「 創造思考量表」、「創造思考測驗」、「新編問題解決測驗」、「少年自我實現量表」和 林幸台與王木榮修訂的「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 國小資優班創造思考教學實施現況 1. 國小資優班教師普遍具備適當之創造思考教學基礎知識,但是創造思考教學實施上所需 運用的進階知識和教學技巧仍有待充實。 2. 國小資優班教師在創造思考教學實施上最主要的困難為環境條件,其次是教學實施方 式。 3. 畢業於特教系的資優班教師在創造思考教學知識基礎上優於非特教系畢業之教師。 4. 資優資源班在教師知識基礎、教師創造性人格特質、創造思考教學實施方式及教學情境 條件上優於集中式智優班。 二、 國小資優班學生的創造思考表現 1. 資優班學生的創造思考能力優於普通班學生。 2. 資優班學生的問題解決能力優於普通班學生。 3. 資優班學生的創造性傾向優於普通班學生。 三、 創造思考教學實施狀況與學生創造思考表現的關係 1. 教師創造思考教學知識基礎程度不同之資優班學生在各項創造思考表現上皆無顯著差異 。 2. 教師創造性人格特質較高之資優班學生的創造思考能力優於教師創造性人格特質較低之 資優班學生。 3. 創造思考教學之課程與教學實施狀況不同之資優班學生在各項創造思考表現上皆無顯著 差異。 4. 學校與社會環境條件較佳之資優班學生的創造思考能力和問題解決能力上優於學校與社 會環境條件較差之資優班學生;教學情境條件不同的資優班學生之創造思考表現沒有顯著 差異。 5. 教師專業背景不同之資優班學生在各項創造思考表現上皆無顯著差異。 6. 集中式智優班學生的創造思考能力與自我實現傾向優於資優資源班學生。 7. 歸納而言,當前國小創造思考教學之實施狀況,以資優教育安置型態以及學校和社會環 境兩項條件和資優班學生之創造思考表現有最明顯之關係;集中式班級型態似比分散式資 源班更有利於資優學生創造力的發展。 根據研究結果,本研究針對資優教育的實施及未來的研究提出若干建議。
Current Status and Effectiveness of Creativity Teaching In Elementary Gifted Classes Shiou-Mei Chan ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to investigate current status of creativity teaching in Taiwan elementary gifted classes; (2)to investigate the cognitive and affective creativity performance of gifted students from those gifted classes; (3) to explore the relationships between the status of creativity teaching and gifted students’ creativity performance. The Inventory of Creativity Teaching was administered to 18 teachers of elementary gifted classes; while other four instruments, including Verbal Test of Creative Thinking, Test of Problem-Solving, Chinese Form of Williams Test of Creativity, and Scale of Self-Actualization for Adolescents, were administered to 212 grade 6 gifted students from those classes. The major findings of this study were as the following: I. The current status of creativity teaching in Taiwan elementary gifted classes: (1) The majority of the gifted class teachers had possessed proper basic concepts about creativity teaching, but still not enough in advanced knowledge and instructional skills. (2) The main difficulty of implementing creativity teaching came from environmental obstacles; (3) Teachers majored in special education showed better knowledge base of creativity teaching than those with other majors. (4) Gifted resource rooms showed higher level of teachers’ knowledge base of creativity teaching, teachers’ creative personality traits, curriculum and instructional practice of creativity teaching, and instructional situation fostering creative thinking than self-contained classes. II. The performance of gifted students: Students from gifted classes showed higher level of creative thinking ability, problem-solving ability and creative characteristics than that of those from regular classes. III. The relationships between the status of creativity teaching and gifted students’ creativity performance: (1) There was no significant difference between gifted classes with teachers scoring higher on knowledge base and those scoring lower on students ’ creativity performance. (2) Gifted class students with teachers scoring higher in personality traits demonstrated higher level of creative thinking ability than those with teachers scoring lower in personality traits; (3) There was no significant difference between different gifted classes with different practices of creative teaching on students’ creativity performance. (4) Students from gifted classes with higher level of school and social environmental conditions fostering creative thinking showed better creative thinking ability and problem-solving ability than those from lower level of school and social environmental conditions; there was no significant difference between different gifted classes with different instructional situation on students’ creativity performance. (5) There was no significant difference between gifted classes with special education major teachers and those with other majors on students’ creativity performance. (6) Students from self-contained gifted classes showed higher level of creative thinking ability and self-actualization than those from resource rooms. (7) In conclusion, although environmental conditions and teachers’ professional background are both crucial factors on gifted students’ creativity performance, the former seems to be more important than the latter; the self-contained grouping practice seems to be more beneficial to gifted students’ creativity development than the resource room program. Based on the above research findings, some suggestions for gifted education and future studies are made.



創造力, 創造思考, 創造思考教學, 問題解決能力, 自我實現, 資優教育, 能力編班, creativity, creative thinking, creativity teaching, problem-solving ability, self-actualization, gifted education, ability grouping

