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在學習華語的過程中,受到印歐語體系之影響,較多教學都採用「語文一體」與「詞本位」的模式。這類型的教學模式是以「詞」作為教學基本語法單位,漢字為附屬於詞彙教學下的書寫符號。然而,結合形、音、義於一體的漢字有其獨特性,朱德熙(1985)、徐通鏘(2008)等語言學家主張以印歐語系的架構套用在華語中是不恰當的。因此,在20世紀末出現了強調漢字特點的「字本位理論」。而以字本位理論為基礎的字本位教學模式特色是突顯漢字的系統性,以漢字教學帶動詞彙教學,透過組詞與擴詞來加強華語學習者的識字量與詞彙量。 字本位教學模式逐漸受到重視的同時,以字本位為基礎所編製之教材卻相對 不足,內容編寫上也不夠完善(田峰,2012)。因此,本研究將融入教材編寫之概念,透過集中識字、漢字分級、及趣味性等核心理念,編制一套適合華語文學習者使用之字本位教材。此外,本研究將以國立師範大學進修推廣部華裔班的學習者為研究樣本,實際進行字本位教學實驗,並考察學習者對於字本位教學模式之反饋,以探討字本位教學模式對華語學習者之學習成效。研究結果顯示,字本位教學模式與傳統的華語學習相比,確實有顯著的成效。此外,透過學習者的問卷調查也發現,學習者相當認同此教學模式,例如:「能比較容易了解漢字」、「可以更快理解結構複雜的漢字」、「幫助擴充我的詞彙量」等。
Influenced by the Latin language linguistic structures, it is very likely to be going through word-based teaching approach while studying Chinese as a foreign language.This teaching method considers“word”as the basic unit for teaching, while the Chinese characters would simply become written symbols subordinate to vocabulary learning. However, unlike Latin language, Chinese characters contain appearance, sound and meaning within one sinogram. Linguistic Ju(1985) and Xu(2008) indicated that using Latin language linguistic structure to explain Chinese is not suitable.”Sinogram Unit Theory”which emphasizes the importance of Chinese characters emerged in the end of 20th centrury. And the sinogram-based teaching approach also tries to find an effective way to reinforce literacy skills and to expand vocabulary by emphasizing the systematic structures of Chinese characters. This study developed a sinogram-based teaching material for CFL learners. This study also carried out a teaching experiment to ethnic Chinese learners at National Taiwan Normal University, in order to observe learners’feedback and the effects from sinogram-based teaching approach. The study results showed that compared with original teaching approach, sinogram-based teaching approach did lead to a better outcomes and the learners also showed positive attitudes towards sinogram-based teaching approach.



字本位教學模式, 字本位教材, 部件意涵理解, 詞彙結構理解, sinogram-based teaching approach, sinogram-based teaching material, comprehension of radical meanings, comprehension of vocabulary stuctures

