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本研究目的在於了解離峰時段新北投溫泉遊客遊憩涉入與決策因素之特性,選擇平日離峰時段之新北投溫泉遊客為對象,進行遊憩涉入與決策因素之研究。 研究中採用產品屬性理論並參考過去文獻中有關遊客選擇溫泉遊憩活動之評估因素,依照「平日」與「假日」造成的產品屬性差異性歸納出決策因素分析問項;另依據休閒遊憩涉入理論建構出「熟悉度」、「中心性」、「愉悅性」及「象徵意義」共四個構面作為涉入之研究,進行遊憩涉入程度與決策因素特性之分析。 有效樣本共404份,統計方法上使用因素分析(factor analysis)、集群分析(cluster analysis)、 t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)及卡方檢定(chi-square)等進行統計分析。主要研究結論如下五點: 1.共萃取出「溫泉個人體驗」、「設施服務水準」、「活動服務品質」、「社交體驗品質」、「個人消費折扣」及「團體服務折扣」六個因素構面。 2.集群分析分出「高涉入」、「低涉入」及「中涉入」三個集群。 3.不同遊憩涉入程度之決策因素構面具有顯著差異性。 4.人口統計變項與溫泉消費行為共十八項自變項中,有十六項之決策因素經檢定具差異性。 5.不同遊憩涉入程度於人口統計變項與溫泉消費行為共十八項自變項中,有十二項經檢定具差異性。 研究最後針對溫泉業者提出具體建議如下: 1.業者宜加強非價格因素的服務品質提升,如平日溫泉水質及水池的管理,不因平日人少而鬆懈、確保平日時段人員及設施服務的水準,不因人少而降低、舉辦特色活動提供平日遊客參與,不因平日人少而減少。 2.業者應針對不同涉入程度的溫泉遊客設計適當的服務策略,以吸引其願意於平日離峰時段(如下班時間)使用溫泉,例如規劃良好的社交計畫,滿足高遊憩涉入者需求,以求平日離峰時段穩定的客源;舉辦優質的體驗活動,吸引低涉入者投入等。 3.建議業者針對有差異的分眾市場,挑選適合自我目標市場的消費者,擬定適合之行銷及服務策略,提升平日使用人次。
The purpose of this research is to discuss the specialization of Xin Peitou Sites Hot Spring tourists , who’s recreation involvement and decision factor on off-peak, it choose Tourists who used hot spring of Xin Peitou Sites on weekday, and research the Recreation Involvement and Decision Factor. The research is based upon the theory of product Attribute and references to literature, finding the different product attribute between weekday and weekend,and define the decision factors for weekday’s tourist, and use the theory of recreation involvement to construct four facets for analysis。 The research selected 404 questionnaires, and used fact analysis, cluster analysis, t-test, One-way ANOVA, chi-square to analyzed. The major results in this research are summarized as follows : 1.The research found out six decision fact facets are ‘intention for hot spring ’, ‘activity quality’, ’personal discount’, ’facility level’, ’social quality’, and ’team discount’. 2.The research found out three involvement groups are ‘high involvement group’, ’low involvement group’ and ‘normal involvement’. 3.The result shows differences between different involvement group’s decision factor facets. 4.The result shows differences between different variables of customers’ population statistics and hot spring comsumption’s decision factor facets. 5.The result shows differences between different involvement groups on the different population variables and different hot spring consumption. Finally, according to the results, some suggestions are made for hot spring business as follows: 1.The hot spring business should improve service quality on weekday,set up some activity for tourists on weekday. 2.The hot spring business should set up some strategys to attract tourists to choice weekday to come for different involvement groups. 3.The hot spring business should set up some marketing strategys to attract tourists to choice weekday to come for different population variables and different hot spring consumption.



平日, 離峰時段, 溫泉遊憩, 遊憩涉入, 決策因素, weekday, off-peak, hot spring recreation, recreation involvement, decision factor

