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The main results of the paper empirically examine of the effectiveness in various management guidelines after the implementation of the Toyota way. The company S actively pursues transformation and uses the Toyota way. In order to understand the process of practicing the Toyota way through the interviews, participation in observations, questionnaires, document research, etc., the practical results are compiled. The research is basically the Grounded theory. It first sorts out 140 Open coding, then summarizes 70 Axial coding according to Open coding, and then summarizes 14 Selective coding according to the Axial coding. Finally, the judging panel is based on the Toyota management guidelines. The scores according to each principle. According to the results, The average score is 3.0 points of the case in the Toyota way, which represents 50% to 74% of employees with relevant Toyota way awareness. Under strong leadership, the case is in Principle 1 "Long-term Philosophy", Principle 2 "Continuous Process Flow", Principle 3 "Pull System", Principle 4 "Heijunka", Principle 7 "Visual Control", Principle 8" "Reliable Technology", Principle 11 "Stakeholders" and Principle 12 "Genchi Genbutsu" has scored more than 3 points. The study also found that through the Toyota way, the indicators in the supply chain which have good results in Quality, Delivery and Cost. Finally, this study provides the results for the case reference. By thinking about the shortcomings at currently stage, Make a action plan for improvement, and keep going to the Toyota way, To be a learning organization.
The main results of the paper empirically examine of the effectiveness in various management guidelines after the implementation of the Toyota way. The company S actively pursues transformation and uses the Toyota way. In order to understand the process of practicing the Toyota way through the interviews, participation in observations, questionnaires, document research, etc., the practical results are compiled. The research is basically the Grounded theory. It first sorts out 140 Open coding, then summarizes 70 Axial coding according to Open coding, and then summarizes 14 Selective coding according to the Axial coding. Finally, the judging panel is based on the Toyota management guidelines. The scores according to each principle. According to the results, The average score is 3.0 points of the case in the Toyota way, which represents 50% to 74% of employees with relevant Toyota way awareness. Under strong leadership, the case is in Principle 1 "Long-term Philosophy", Principle 2 "Continuous Process Flow", Principle 3 "Pull System", Principle 4 "Heijunka", Principle 7 "Visual Control", Principle 8" "Reliable Technology", Principle 11 "Stakeholders" and Principle 12 "Genchi Genbutsu" has scored more than 3 points. The study also found that through the Toyota way, the indicators in the supply chain which have good results in Quality, Delivery and Cost. Finally, this study provides the results for the case reference. By thinking about the shortcomings at currently stage, Make a action plan for improvement, and keep going to the Toyota way, To be a learning organization.
豐田模式, 後拉式, 自働化, 改善, Toyota Way, Pull systems, Jidoka, Kaizen