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本研究以全方位課程設計(Universal Design for Learning, UDL)原則規劃高中多元選修「一人一故事劇場(playback theatre, PT)」課程。研究目的在課程進行前,盡可能設計融合所有學生需求的教學策略、課程內容及評量方式,讓選修本門課程之普通學生及特殊需求學生均能學習到課程知識及技能,減少障礙帶來之學習阻礙。本研究分前導研究及正式研究階段,研究對象為校內「一人一故事劇場」課程選課學生。上課時間為一學期,每週兩節,共計18週,屬多元選修課程。課程設計過程中,會根據課程進行時的困境,不斷修正與反思PT課程設計是否依據UDL設計原則進行,據以建構未來新學期課程。UDL包含三項特徵:多元參與的動機誘因(multiple means of engagement)、多元表徵的學習途徑(multiple means of representation)及多元表達的反應方式(multiple means of expression)。本課程依照Katie(2022)撰寫之UDL課程設計指南,進行課程設計及課程評鑑。為達研究目的,本研究召集2位協同研究者共同進行課程設計,於課程中搜集相關資料,包含課堂錄影、課後學習單、研究省思日誌等。研究結果顯示,以UDL原則設計PT課程,多元參與包含團體關係建立、課程設計具層次性、減少教師與學生地位差距及安全感培養面向;多元表徵包含講解知識提供文本供學生參考、補充網頁資訊、製作字卡增進視覺理解、安排校內PT實作演出及提供有需求學生即時打字面向。多元表達包含可替代課程的參與方式、增進演繹技巧方式及反思課後學習面向。最後依研究結果彙整研究限制及提出未來研究方向建議。
Drawing on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) teaching approach, the researcher designs a high school elective course, Playback Theatre (PT). In the hope of ensuring all students, regardless of their abilities or challenges, can effectively learn the course knowledge and skills, while minimizing any barriers that may impede their learning, the study aims to design instructional strategies, course content, and assessment methods that integrate the diverse needs of all students, including both regular students and those with special needs, prior to the course implementation.The research consists of the pilot study and the formal research. The subjects are the students who enrolled in the PT elective course in a Taiwanese senior high school. The course duration is one semester, with two classes per week, spanning 18 weeks. On the basis of the previous semester's course and the feedback from the students, continuous revisions and reflections based on the challenges encountered during the course are made to ensure that the PT course design adheres to the principles of UDL so as to construct a formal course for the upcoming semester. The UDL teaching approach encompasses three characteristics: multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation, and multiple means of expression. The design and evaluation of the elective course followed the curriculum design guidelines proposed by Katie (2022).To achieve the purposes of the study, two collaborative researchers were recruited to participate in the course design. Relevant data were collected during the course, including classroom recordings, post-lesson worksheets, and reflective journals. The research result indicates that in designing the PT course based on UDL principles, multiple means of engagement include establishing group relationships, designing a layered curriculum, reducing the status gap between teachers and students, and fostering a sense of safety. Multiple means of representation involve providing explanatory texts for reference, supplementing with web resources, creating flashcards to enhance visual understanding, arranging on-campus PT performances, and providing real-time typing support for students with specific needs. Multiple means of expression encompass alternative participation methods, enhancing interpretive skills, and reflecting on post-lesson learning. Finally, the study limitations are summarized based on the research results, and suggestions for future research directions are proposed.



108課綱, 高中多元選修, 一人一故事劇場, 全方位課程設計, 特殊需求學生, 108 curriculum, senior high school's elective course, Playback Theatre (PT), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), students with special needs

