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為探討「動物倫理課程設計與實施之可行性」,採取兩階段的課程行動研究,透過修正第一階段試探性課程,以及評估第二階段正式的課程的成效,來設計一套適用於國民中學階段的動物倫理課程。因此本研究的研究目的為(一)設計適用於國中階段的動物倫理課程方案。(二)實施並修正所設計之動物倫理課程方案。(三)探討動物倫理課程方案融入九年一貫課程之可行性。 本研究的主要發現如下: (一)課程設計內容部分: 1.研究結果與文獻探討不盡相同。 2.道德關懷課程考驗良知與行動力,易生抗拒之心。 3.價值澄清法與道德兩難的教學視情況而定。 4.認知發展與道德發展程度成正相關。 5.新興議題課程缺乏實施空間,全賴個人教師努力。 6.非主科教學沒有成績壓力,需提高課程本身的吸引力。 7.學習手冊中提供知識與練習,方能完成學習的概念。 8.課程實施反應因受教對象不同而改變。 (二)課程實施過程部分: 1.課程需要彈性學習時間,較能學習完整的概念。 2.新興議題課程需要教師投入更多額外時間。 3.課程設計成果需要教材資料庫加以保存推廣。 4.課程設計與實施是不斷發展修正的循環。 5.讀書的功利主義會扼殺教師課程發展動力。
The purposes of this study include a design of animal ethics curriculum for junior high school, implement and possibility of animal ethics curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education. The conclusions of this study 1.The contents of curriculum design (1)Part results of the research and the review of the references are not incompletely the same. (2)The moral curriculum challenges the students’ consciousness and activities, it makes the students against the moral curriculum easily. (3)The value clarification and the moral education implement are trade-off. (4)The development of cognitive and moral is in a positive– correlation. (5)The implements of novel curriculum are lack and they are only supposed by the more effort of teachers. (6)The attractions of minor subjects need to be enhanced. (7)The test book must provide knowledge and practices to increase learning ability. (8)The curriculum implement must depend on various students. 2.The processes of curriculum implement (1)The curriculums need flexible time for effectively complete learning. (2)Teachers need extra time to prepare the novel curriculum. (3)Results of the curriculum design of the research need a database to be maintained and shared. (4)Both the design and implement of curriculum are in a cycle of continues research. (5)The curriculum innovation is decreased by utilitarianism.



動物倫理課程, 課程行動研究





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