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本研究專為華語資深唱片歌手「趙傳」所發行之專輯進行分析。早期80年代初的音樂氛圍為時代與歌手的融合,然而當時的時代氛圍仍屬壓抑,歌手小人物形象之象徵越是強烈,聽眾也就越容易與歌曲中的情緒產生共鳴。正逢當時唱片產業與華語唱片市場蓬勃發展,也同時造就了許多知名唱片歌手 。  本書面報告是針對1990年代成名之歌手「趙傳」於2021年所發行之新專輯「老不休」所進行之製作及行銷分析,包含了在現今音樂工業中,唱片業者該如何為歌手進行藝人曲目定位(A&R)與專輯規劃之應用,希望能提供未來歌手、樂手與唱片業者精準切中市場之參考。
This research is devoted to the analysis of the album released by the senior mandarin singer “Chao Chuan”. In the early 1980s, pop music reflected social surroundings and feelings of singers. In the era of repression, the more ordinary and simple the artist is , the stronger emotion that people could empathize with. With the booming of the mandarin pop music industry, many well-known singers evolved in this period of time.This written report includes the analysis in the production process and marketing strategy of the new album “Play For Life”, which was released in 2021 by “Chao Chuan” who rose to fame in the 1990s. This report includes the application of Artists and Repertoire (A&R) on singer positioning in the recording industry, as well as the distribution, marketing and publicity planning of the album, which means it can provide a reference for singers, musicians and mandarin pop music industry to target the market more precisely.



資深歌手, 藝人曲目定位, 華語音樂, Senior Mandarin Singer, Artists and Repertoire (A&R), Mandopop

