

本研究旨在探討我國高中生抗拒行為之型態及其抗拒來源,並試著瞭解不同階級、性別群體的抗拒來源及其型態是否具有共同趨勢或差異。 為達上述目的,本研究採取質性研究方法,選取ㄧ所位於中產階級與勞動階級混雜學區之高中,從中挑選一個高一的班級作為研究對象,進行觀察和訪談及文件分析。主要的研究發現如下: 一、高中生的抗拒來源主要在於對教育體制的反抗、對無趣生活的抗議、對限制 自由的反彈、對差別待遇的抗議、對課程內容的反抗、對教師教學的抗議以及對教師個人的不滿。 二、學生抗拒的來源導因於社會上升學主義高漲,抗拒來源越多的學生,反應越激烈。反之,抗拒來源較少者,反應較輕微。 三、女生對限制自由的因素產生較為顯著的抗拒行為,而男生則針對無趣生活產生抗拒。 四、抗拒升學體制的學生都以較激烈的方式進行抗拒。 五、高中生所呈現的抗拒型態可分為五種類型,包括偏激反叛型、見機行事型、逃避放棄型、遊戲玩樂型以及屈服順從型。 六、中上階級與勞工階級學生在抗拒型態上都有偏激反叛型與遊戲玩樂型,見機行事型與逃避放棄型只出現在中上階級,屈服順從型只出現在勞工階級。 七、成績的好壞會影響學生的抗拒型態及其抗拒來源。 八、背景相同的學生之產生不同抗拒型態,主要和抗拒的來源、學生對自己的期許、家庭的管教和價值觀有關。
This study aims at describing the circumstances in which senior high school students display resistant behavior and the various sources and forms of this type of behavior. Furthermore, this study also tries to understand the different forms of resistant behavior between different class and gender groups and seeks to determine whether they have common trends or differences. This research mainly utilizes qualitative methodology to collect required materials, including classroom observation, interviews and document analysis. Based on the collected data and data analysis, major findings are as follows: 1. The sources of resistant behavior adopted by senior high school students mainly derive from the resistance to the structure of education, protests against a boring life, limitation of freedom, differential treatment, resistance to the courses’ content, protests against the teaching method and discontent with teachers. 2. The sources of resistant behavior are in connection with credentialism. Furthermore, the greater the sources of resistance are, the more intense the students’ responses to those sources become. Similarly, the smaller the sources of resistance are, the less intense the students’ responses become. 3. While female students are more likely to resist against limitation placed on students’ freedom, male students, on the other hand, are more likely to resist against a boring life. 4. Compared to other forms of resistance, students that resist against the structure of education are more likely to adopt intense methods of resistance. 5. There are five forms of resistance expressed by senior high school students: “the revolting form”, “the acting according to circumstances form”, “the avoiding and giving up form”, “the acting like a clown form”, and “the submitting form”. 6. “The revolting form” and “the acting like a clown form” are expressed by both upper and working class students. On the other hand, “the avoiding and giving up form” and “the acting according to circumstances form” are only expressed by upper class students, while “the submitting form” is only expressed by working class students. 7. Student’s grades influence the forms of resistance and their sources. 8. Students from the same background adopt different forms of resistance; the main reasons are influenced by the sources of resistance, the students’ expectations for themselves, the household in which they grow up and their value system.



抗拒, 階級, 性別, 學校生活, resistance, class, gender, school’s life





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