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社會領域學科教師資訊需求以所任教科目相關的資源為主,最常利用「入口網站」蒐尋所需資源,圖書館館藏資源僅次於後。取得資源的方式首先以自身的經驗為主,其次為人際關係網的資源(如同事互相討論、社會領域學科教師交流等等)。教師們對資訊科技融入教學持肯定的態度,可以詮釋抽象理論最佳輔助工具,學校圖書館乃是教師常利用的重要資源,紙本圖書、期刊及報紙利用率仍很高,隨著資訊科技及網路的普及化,教師們都認同圖書館有需要轉型為「教學資源中心」,最重要目的在於資源集中,方便利用。然而任教科目不同,在課程延伸教材、圖書資源、教學檔案及資訊素養需求上有些差異,地理科教師對於資訊科技融入教學相關的軟、硬體需求,較歷史、公民與社會科教師所佔的比率較高,主要因素在於其學科特性所呈現出的差異。 社會領域學科的資訊並不貧乏,最主要的是欠缺有系統的整合,導致許多寶貴的資源僅少數人在利用,或是浪費人力及時間在做同樣的事情,因此,教育單位如何有效的發揮「教學資源網」及「數位資料庫」,讓它真正落實為教師們的知識管理使用平台。再則如何讓圖書館轉型為「教學資源中心」,首賴教育單位對高級中學圖書館設置法規修訂,以符合時代的需求。
The main resource of information request for teachers in the social studies field is largely based on the subject that they are involved in. Portal sites are most widely used information search engines whereas the library database comes in next. The primary approach to acquire information will emphasize on personal experiences, with secondary resources from interpersonal relationship such as mutual discussions between colleagues and intercommunication among teachers in social studies. The best complementary tools to interpret abstract theories come within the affirmative attitudes that the teachers hold towards information technology integrated onto teaching. School libraries are the common key resources for teachers. In spite of the high utilization of paperback books, periodicals and newspapers, as information technology and internet increase in popularity and most teachers believe that libraries need to be transformed into "Teaching Resource Center". The principal purpose of this “Teaching Resource Center” lies on the concept of centralizing all resources to facilitate access. However, with various subjects encountered, there will be differences in requirement for extended teaching materials of curriculum, library resource, teaching profiles and information literacy. For example, Geography teachers in comparison with History, Citizen or Social Studies teachers, require a higher dependency in utilization of software or hardware related to teaching. The main factor lies on the difference by uniqueness of each subject. Despite the abundance in information technology in the social studies field, the absence of systematic integration leads to a consequently low demand for valuable resources by most users. Or in some occasions, human labors and time are wasted on repeating same actions. Therefore, all education organizations should concentrate on utilizing “Teaching Resource Network” and “Digital Database” with efficiency, and to implement into a practical platform of knowledge management for teachers. Furthermore, approaches to transform to libraries into “Teaching Resource Center” will essentially depend on education organization to define the rules and regulations for high school libraries to comply with the current demands.



資訊需求, 資訊行為





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