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天文觀測一直都是九年一貫課程綱要裡,較難實施完善教學的課程,也是國小學童普遍反應最難以學習的單元之一(姜滿,1997)。其原因來自於教學內容的性質與其它的課程不同,天文觀測仰賴實際上的體驗,以結合學生的自我概念形成,而體驗的實施卻與現行國小教育體制相互牴觸。天文觀測仰賴天時、地利、人和與設備等因素,而這些天時、地利、人和往往與正課或現行教育體制無法配合。 本研究歸納出國小天文觀測教學待解決的缺失與困境來自於兩大因素:教學因素(內因)與環境因素(外因)。為解決這些困境因而發展手持式數位渾天儀(Mobile Digital Armillary Sphere),打破現有的天文教學單元現狀上的惡性循環,開發全新的教學工具,引入新的教學技術、方法,將有助於改革現有天文科學教學模式,提供給教師與學生不受時間與空間限制的全新學習工具,在教室內提供不輸戶外教學的直覺式學習。 手持式數位渾天儀(MDAS),是利用擴增實境(Augmented reality)的概念與技術,運用行動裝置上的G-sensor感應器與電子羅盤,建構出虛擬的全天星空環境。相同的概念在i-Phone上已被多數的遊戲、學習軟體所應用,被證明能有效結合實際感受的提升。 本研究結果證實,MDAS投入國小天文教學課程,能有效提升學生對於「天文觀測課程的基本學習」(星座的基本觀念)的學習成效,以及「天文觀測實體技能的學習」(星座的辨認能力)的部分學習成效。另外,透過MDAS工具,將能有效提升學生的學習興趣(神馳經驗)。
Astronomical observation has been difficult to improve the teaching of the curriculum implementation, but also elementary school children was generally one of the most difficult element of learning (姜滿,1997).Astronomical observations rely on the experience of practice in order to combine the formation of self-concept of students, while the experience of the implementation but with the current system of elementary education in conflict with each other. The study concludes that a small astronomical observatory of teaching abroad Loss and difficulties to be solved from two major factors: teaching factors (internal factors) and environmental factors (external factors). To address these difficulties and thus the development of handheld digital armillary sphere (Mobile Digital Armillary Sphere), to break the current status of teaching modules on the astronomical cycle. Handheld Digital armillary sphere (MDAS), is the use of mobile devices based on the G-sensor and electronic compass sensors, mobile devices and calculate the angle between the holders of the field of view and distance, and then calculate the field of vision occurs Star , displayed in the screen of mobile devices, such mode of operation also known as Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality). Final results confirm, MDAS into teaching elementary astronomy course, can enhance the learning interest of students and the best learning results.



擴增實境, 情境感知, 行動學習, 無所不在學習, Augmented reality, context awareness, mobile learning, ubiquitous learning





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