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全球缺工海嘯下,企業必須以多元思維來進行人力資源布局,本研究旨在探索,自閉症人士的特有天賦,能否轉化成為可用勞動力,用以解決台灣製造業面臨的缺工危機?本研究的個案公司,東友科技股份有限公司,2014年遭遇嚴重的缺工危機,公司著手啟動自閉症就業計畫:ASD專案,引進自閉症人士來擔任軟體測試部門的工程師,原本只是實驗性開辦,但歷經九年不懈努力,ASD專案執行成功,不僅化解缺工危機,提升工作效能,ASD員工參與範圍,也從單一部門的產品驗證任務,逐步延伸,投入4部門7種類型工作。東友所雇用ASD員工人數達到公司10%佔比,也符合上市櫃公司CSR方針,雙雙創下台灣企業首例,更榮獲2023年勞動部金展獎的肯定。本研究發現,東友為了執行ASD專案,特別建立一套管理機制,包含招募流程、培訓方式、訓練和評估系統,以及詳盡工作SOP,而且經過長時間驗證,這套管理機制具有成效;同時,本研究分析東友ASD專案為何能夠執行成功? 有幾項關鍵成功因素,包含:高層全力支持、專業知識領航、善用外部資源、組織適度調整、建立管理機制、建立個別訓練與媒合機制、建立友善職場,以及家長真心相挺。本研究的分析結果,不僅可提供企業做為執行參考,就業人選也可從自閉症者,延伸到其他身障或發展障礙的族群,應用範圍更加廣泛。本研究同時具有獨特性、開創性,與啟發性,不僅能提供給同樣面臨缺工挑戰的台灣企業,啟發性參考,也可以提供給主管機關勞動部,多元勞動力的政策參考,更希望對社福團體的實務運作,能有所助益。
This research aims to explore the possibility of leveraging talents of autism employees, and to provide solution for the crisis of labor shortage. The case company of this study, Teco Image Systems Co., Ltd., encountered a severe crisis of labor shortage in 2014, thus began to launch an autism employment plan: the ASD project, which introduced autism employees to serve as engineers in the software testing department. Originally, it was just started on an experimental basis, but after nine years of unremitting efforts, the ASD project was successfully implemented. Not only did it resolve the crisis of labor shortage and improve work efficiency, the scope of ASD employee participation also gradually expanded from the product verification task of a single department to seven types of work in four different departments. The numbers of ASD employees hired by Teco Image Systems accounts for 10% of the company, which is in line with the CSR policy of a listed company. Teco Image Systems not only set a first for Taiwan companies, but also won the recognition of the 21th Golden Wingspan Award, which held by the Ministry of Labor in 2023. If the talents of autism employees can be well leveraged, they can indeed become excellent workforce and help to alleviate the crisis of labor shortage.This research is unique, groundbreaking, and inspiring at the same time. It not only provides an inspiring reference to Taiwan companies, but also provides a policy reference for the Ministry of Labor. Hoping the outcomes of this research would be useful for the practical operations of welfare groups, and helpful for the long-term development of autism workforce.
This research aims to explore the possibility of leveraging talents of autism employees, and to provide solution for the crisis of labor shortage. The case company of this study, Teco Image Systems Co., Ltd., encountered a severe crisis of labor shortage in 2014, thus began to launch an autism employment plan: the ASD project, which introduced autism employees to serve as engineers in the software testing department. Originally, it was just started on an experimental basis, but after nine years of unremitting efforts, the ASD project was successfully implemented. Not only did it resolve the crisis of labor shortage and improve work efficiency, the scope of ASD employee participation also gradually expanded from the product verification task of a single department to seven types of work in four different departments. The numbers of ASD employees hired by Teco Image Systems accounts for 10% of the company, which is in line with the CSR policy of a listed company. Teco Image Systems not only set a first for Taiwan companies, but also won the recognition of the 21th Golden Wingspan Award, which held by the Ministry of Labor in 2023. If the talents of autism employees can be well leveraged, they can indeed become excellent workforce and help to alleviate the crisis of labor shortage.This research is unique, groundbreaking, and inspiring at the same time. It not only provides an inspiring reference to Taiwan companies, but also provides a policy reference for the Ministry of Labor. Hoping the outcomes of this research would be useful for the practical operations of welfare groups, and helpful for the long-term development of autism workforce.
自閉症員工, 人力資源管理, 應用行為分析, 組織調整, 企業社會責任, autism employees, human resource management, applied behavior analysis, organizational adjustment, corporate social responsibility