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隨著近年來開放資料(open data)的興起,空間資料的來源日益豐富,提供相關研究與決策的重要基礎。在現今地理資訊系統中,也逐漸加入各種空間分析模組,使研究者更快速方便的進行資料處理與分析。然而目前地理資訊系統中所提供的向量資料分析方法,以點資料為主。線資料則以路網分析、路徑規劃較具系統;面資料則限於以Moran’I等空間自相關方法,僅考慮物件之相鄰性空間關係。欠缺形狀、面積等面物件特性的分析模組。 本研究整理向量面空間資料常用的空間分析方法,藉以設計面資料空間分析模組,並在ArcGIS環境中實作,可協助研究者進行建成地、景觀指數等面資料的空間分析。 在模組開發上,本研究運用Python2.7版本程式語言,透過ArcPy來開發,並採用物件導向模組化架構來設計分析模組。模組開發後,經過測試資料的驗證,以確定模組的正確性與可用性。最後利用國土利用成果資料為實作資料,進行空間資料探索(explorary spatial data analysis, ESDA)。其目標在於能運用本研究開發模組,達到可以快速且自動化進行桃園都市建成地空間型態之探索。 在實作案例分析上,運用1993與2008年國土利用資料,並篩選出建成地土地利用。透過建成地土地利用資料,利用本模組所開發的函式功能與ArcGIS現有的分析功能,能解釋1993到2008年桃園都市空間格局發展。
Recently, With the increase of the open data, the spatial data is becoming more and more abundant. It helps establish the important basis of the related research and decision-making. In the geographic information systems nowadays, it also adds in kinds of modules of spatial analysis, in turns to help researcher do data-processing and analysis more quickly and conveniently. However, the analysis functions in current geographic information systems of the loosely grouped tools set are not well structured. On opposite of a few modules such as, point pattern analysis, network analysis and some spatial statistic functions, they are more systematic than others. This paper trys to develop a framework for vector aerial shape analysis and implements a module for area shape analysis in ArcPy. It can assist researchers with built-up area, landscape metrics, and polygon data of space analysis. In the module development, this paper adopts Python2.7 version program language and ArcPy to adopt object oriented and modular frame to design analytical modules. After module developing and the verification of the test data, it can ensure the module to be available and correct. At the end, this paper takes Land Use Investigation Data of Taiwan as example to execute the exploratory spatial data analysis. It aims at using this module development to achieve the shift and the automated explorations of the aerial shape analysis of the built-up area in Taoyuan City. In the example of this implementation case, this paper uses the Land Use Investigation Data from 1993~2008 and selects the built-up areas. Via the data of built-up area use, it takes advantages of these functions of the module and the current analytical functions of ArcGIS; By this way, we can verify the changes in urban spatial pattern in Taoyuan City from 1993~2008.



空間分析, ArcGIS, ArcPy, 建成地, 空間型態, Spatial Analysis, ArcGIS, ArcPy, Built-up Area, Spatial Pattern





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