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近年來,全臺經營環境學習場域的管理單位皆極力推廣自然體驗活動,藉由不同的活動形式呈現,帶給參與者多元的難忘體驗。林務局自然教育中心為政府機關利用生動解說及活動設計,導引民眾探訪森林,提供國人認識環境的學習場域。為因應現代網路普及化及網路平台的發展趨勢,中心於2015年開放線上報名系統,給予大眾更便利的服務,亦藉此利用網路流量分析掌握網站使用者行為,以更加掌握現有趨勢,提供更有效的行銷策略。本研究將線上報名自然體驗活動視為目標,探討此類型活動由原本的瀏覽轉換至報名活動,其活動本身的形式與目標轉換特性之關係,瞭解自然體驗活動由不同形式組合時的目標轉換差異,進而試圖藉由不同的活動形式及目標轉換特性預測其活動的目標轉換率,並另外直接透過不同的活動形式組合預測其活動的目標轉換率。調查時間為2014年1月至2016年12月,樣本為林務局自然教育中心舉辦過的主題活動,方法採用文獻分析及檔案分析法蒐集相關文獻;接著透過內容分析法將樣本依形式分類與利用Google Analytics分析網頁瀏覽量,並藉由統計軟體進一步處理分析。結論主要分為四項:(一)活動相當受歡迎,開放報名當天最多人報名,約三週報名額滿。(二)不同的活動,其累計瀏覽量與目標轉換特性差異大。(三)目標轉換特性有效預測活動開放報名後額滿天數。(四)不同參與者特性之自然體驗活動,透過不同的活動形式組合,預測其目標轉換率有所差異。實務上建議:(一)依不同形式組合設計多元化的活動。(二)設計網頁能區隔各活動,擷取更精準的流量。(三)善用推播廣告,提升知名度及網頁瀏覽量。
  In recent years, managers in environmental learning fields in Taiwan have tried their best to promote nature experience activities to participants through various formats. Forest-ry Bureau of Nature Centers guide people to visit the forests and also provide online appli-cations to provide convenience for consumers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to consider online registration of nature experience as a goal conversion, and to explore activity formats, goal conversion characteristics, then the main purpose is discussing dif-ferences between different nature experience activities formats among goal conversion. For the research method, by using literature research, documentary analysis, content analysis and Google Analytics. The survey was conducted from January 2014 to December 2016. The samples were theme activities holden by the Forestry Bureau of Nature Center. The re-search findings and conclusion show that (1) The activity is quite popular, the most people register on the day of opening, and the enrollment quota of activity fulfill about three weeks. (2) Different formats of activities have large differences in conversion charac-teristics. (3) There has a model to predict how many days the enrollment quota of activity will be fulfill since it be opened its register. (4) Different combinations of activity for-mats show that goal conversion rate will be different. The study suggests planners that (1) Design and diversify activities in different formats. (2) Use sequence segments in Google Analytics to ask more precise questions and get more accurate answers about your conver-sion data. (3) Make good use of push notification to increase activities exposure and page views.



主題活動, 活動形式, Google Analytics, 決策樹, 預測模型, theme activity, format, Google Analytics, decision tree, forecast model





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