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隨著時代的進步,運動科研越來越精密,運動科研也是競技發展不可或缺的要素之一。本論文旨在以陳淑娟選手200公短跑項目為例,檢視訓練及參賽過程,並進行紀錄、分析與檢討,欲藉此報告來探討訓練之優缺點以及對參賽的影響,作為往後教練選手訓練的參考。本報告分成四章節,各章節重點如下: 第壹章個案描述:簡述出生於屏東縣的陳淑娟選手的田徑生涯,包括國中一年開始訓練、16歲隻身前往北部練習、22歲時雖受重傷但卻能迅速恢復,重新捲土而來的過程。第貳章學理基礎:在運動生理方面,200公尺運動主要能量之98%來自磷化物系統,及微少乳酸系統,本報告主要探討陳淑娟為參加2009年香港東亞運動會賽針對強化此能量系統的訓練方式探討。在心理技能方面,200公尺屬於內在閉鎖性的運動項目,使用方法為意象訓練、自我暗示。體能訓練方面以300尺及400尺為耐力訓練,並以肌力、柔軟度等專項提高技術。技術訓練方面則包含彎道起跑、彎道、彎道出直道、壓線訓練等方法。第参章訓練及參賽計畫:本訓練計畫是以雙峰週期結構來劃分,在訓練計畫安排部分,先針對訓練特殊性及內外部環境進行S.W.O.T分析後,再擬訂訓練計畫。在參賽計畫安排部分2009年東亞運運動會計畫包含裝備、比賽流程、後勤支援。第肆章訓練參及參賽結果與建議:在主要的2009年東亞運,由於筆者在比賽準備流程的掌握不理想,這次經驗也給筆者一個警惕。
Sport science research is more and more sophisticated in modern era, and it is also the indispensibl element of sport competition developing. This technical report was to explore the training and competition program though the example of Shu-Chuan Chen’s 200meter sprint in East Asian games in 2009 East Asian Games in order to provide a reference for coaches and athletes in the future. There were four chapters in this technical report,- and the contents in each chapter were summarized as follows: In Chapter one, the basic information was .about the subject used in this report was described in details. Shu-Chuan Chen, the author as the subject, was born at Pingtung County Taiwan. She started in track and field training in junior high school. When she was16 years old, she left for Taipei to engage in an intensive200-meter-sprint training. She encountered a severe injury as she was 22 but return to the track event training soon. The sport science theories about the training techniques used in this report were explord in Chapter two. Firstly, the energy system of the 200 meter sprint consists of 98% ATP-PC and 2% Lactic Acid system. For this reason, our training project focused on prompting the ATP-PC system. Secondly, the200-meter-sprint is one kind of closed-chain event in the psychological aspect-.Thus, mental imagery practice and self implication were applied as Part of psychological training. Thirdly, the subject used 300 meter and 400 meter sprint as the physical fitness training to improve the capacity of muscle endurance .Weight training and flexibility exercises were also scheduled as regular workouts to enhance the running skill. Finally, Rise to run in curved way-the gulf start in the curve, Curve runs, Curve-to-straight, Finish-line training skill training for 200 meter sprint. The content in Chapter three demonstrated the training and competition programs for this subject participating in 2009 East Asian Games. The training program was designed as a curve, which was constructed after S.W.O.T. analyses to training specificity and intrinsic and extrinsic elements of the training environment. The competition, program contained individual equipment, competiton process, and the rear service and supports. All of the results and recommendations about such training and competition were presented in Chapter four. Although 2009 East Asian Games was the main course for this subject’s project, the outcome did not meet the subject’s goal due to some factors which were discussed deeply in this chapter. This also as a valuable lesson for subject.



技術報告, 200公尺, 訓練計畫, technical report, 200-meter sprint, training program

