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(一) 國中中輟復學生男生略多於女生。
(二) 國中三年級中輟復學生的中輟經驗比例最高。
(三) 多數中輟復學生來自於單親或是破碎的家庭。
(四) 中輟復學生的家庭社會化和控制功能不彰。
(五) 中輟復學生的家庭經濟屬於普通。
(六) 中輟復學生可自行支配與使用的零用錢不固定。
(七)中輟復學生的重複輟學問題嚴重。輟學五次以上者達四成以上,輟 學三次以上者高達六成。
The aim of this study is to explore problems and demands of returnees in junior high schools , and to seek for effective strategies to assist them getting with schools. For purpose of the study , qualitative research was used to help explain quantitative findings. In quantitative research , 176 valid questionnaires were collected. In qualitative research , 6 returnees were interviewed. “The counseling necessity of returnees” was conducted by using frequency distribution , percentage, t-test and ANOVA. The research results are as follows: 1. The background characteristics of junior high school dropouts are as follow: a. The proportion of male is higher than female. b. Most of them come from single parent families or are brought up by grandparents. c. Most of the dropouts could be traced back to their junior 2 grade , students tend to dropout at the most proportion. 2. The most important causal factor for junior high school dropouts is individual according to those returnees’ point of view. 3. When returnees were asked about their problems , most of them said that the major problems were about family problem , economic, love story ,and school learning. 4.There were no significant difference in demand between returnees in relation to gender and sex. 5.The most helpful dropout-counseling programs are skill-training class , half-way school and half-way resource class. 6.The most necessity of counseling for returnees is skill training , quiet and comfortable home , getting along with family and people. They do not care too much about their academic performance. Possible explanation for these findings and their implication were discussed.
The aim of this study is to explore problems and demands of returnees in junior high schools , and to seek for effective strategies to assist them getting with schools. For purpose of the study , qualitative research was used to help explain quantitative findings. In quantitative research , 176 valid questionnaires were collected. In qualitative research , 6 returnees were interviewed. “The counseling necessity of returnees” was conducted by using frequency distribution , percentage, t-test and ANOVA. The research results are as follows: 1. The background characteristics of junior high school dropouts are as follow: a. The proportion of male is higher than female. b. Most of them come from single parent families or are brought up by grandparents. c. Most of the dropouts could be traced back to their junior 2 grade , students tend to dropout at the most proportion. 2. The most important causal factor for junior high school dropouts is individual according to those returnees’ point of view. 3. When returnees were asked about their problems , most of them said that the major problems were about family problem , economic, love story ,and school learning. 4.There were no significant difference in demand between returnees in relation to gender and sex. 5.The most helpful dropout-counseling programs are skill-training class , half-way school and half-way resource class. 6.The most necessity of counseling for returnees is skill training , quiet and comfortable home , getting along with family and people. They do not care too much about their academic performance. Possible explanation for these findings and their implication were discussed.
中輟復學生, 輔導