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台灣平面顯示器產業在全球市場佔有重要地位,其發展對台灣經濟增長具有顯著影響。本研究旨在全面分析台灣平面顯示器產業的技術、產業結構、市場趨勢及政策,以建立完整知識基礎,並探討台灣在全球市場中的競爭策略。研究採用SWOT分析法,結合專家訪談和次級資料分析,深入探討產業內部優勢與劣勢,以及外部環境中的機會與威脅。資料來源包括產業報告、統計數據、專家觀點及相關文獻回顧。初步分析顯示,台灣平面顯示器產業的優勢包括以下三點:第一,產業群聚效應;第二,多數系統整合廠商能夠配合客製化產品;第三,研發中高階產品的能力。劣勢也包括三點:第一,未參加關稅同盟;第二,製造成本較中國高;第三,內需市場規模小。機會方面有以下三點:第一,韓國關閉LCD產線所帶來的轉單效應;第二,面板廠的技術可延伸應用至太陽能電廠;第三,Mini LED與Micro LED技術在全球領先。最後,威脅也有三點:第一,面板報價持續下跌;第二,中國主導面板價格;第三,缺乏政府支持。研究結論提出四大策略包括:SO策略「打造垂直整合生態系統」,利用產業群聚效應和研發中高階產品能力的優勢,與合作夥伴深化關係,提供客製化解決方案;ST策略「建立全面價值主張」,結合創新技術和客製化服務,利用政府支持與製程研發降低成本,擴大市場份額;WO策略「拓展市場份額」,進軍新興領域,利用韓國LCD產線轉單機會擴展市場;WT策略「爭取政府支持」,通過政策了解和建立政商關係,獲得更多支持和資源,推動企業發展。透過本研究,期望為台灣平面顯示器產業的未來發展提供參考和推動。
The flat panel display industry in Taiwan stands an important position in the global market, and its development significantly influences Taiwan’s economic growth. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the industry’s technology, strategy, market dynamics and policies to develop a solid knowledge base and explore Taiwan’s competitive strategies in the global market. This paper takes a SWOT analysis approach, combining expert interviews with secondary data analysis to analyze internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. Data sources include industry reports, statistical data, expert insights, and reviews of relevant literature. Initial analysis indicates that the strengths of Taiwan's flat panel display industry include the following three points: first, the cluster effect of the industry; second, most system integration manufacturers are able to accommodate customized products; and third, the capability to develop mid-to-high-end products. The weaknesses include three points: first, not participating in customs union; second, higher manufacturing costs compared to China; and third, a small domestic demand market. The opportunities are also threefold: first, the order transfer effect due to South Korea shutting down LCD production lines; second, the extension of panel manufacturing technology to solar power plants; and third, leadership in Mini LED and Micro LED technologies globally. Lastly, the threats are: first, the continuous decline in panel prices; second, China's dominance in panel pricing; and third, a lack of government support. This paper concludes by proposing four strategic directions: The SO strategy of "building a vertically integrated ecosystem," leveraging industry clustering and advantages in Mini LED and Micro LED technologies to deepen partnerships and offer customized solutions; the ST strategy of "establishing comprehensive value propositions," combining innovative technologies and customized services, utilizing government support to reduce costs and expand market share; the WO strategy of"expanding market share," seizing opportunities in emerging sectors and leveraging the shift of LCD production lines from Korea to expand both domestic and international markets; and the WT strategy of "securing government support," through policy understanding, building strong government-business relationships, and acquiring additional support and resources to drive enterprise development. Through this research, the aim is to provide insights and promote future development for Taiwan's flat panel display industry.
The flat panel display industry in Taiwan stands an important position in the global market, and its development significantly influences Taiwan’s economic growth. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the industry’s technology, strategy, market dynamics and policies to develop a solid knowledge base and explore Taiwan’s competitive strategies in the global market. This paper takes a SWOT analysis approach, combining expert interviews with secondary data analysis to analyze internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. Data sources include industry reports, statistical data, expert insights, and reviews of relevant literature. Initial analysis indicates that the strengths of Taiwan's flat panel display industry include the following three points: first, the cluster effect of the industry; second, most system integration manufacturers are able to accommodate customized products; and third, the capability to develop mid-to-high-end products. The weaknesses include three points: first, not participating in customs union; second, higher manufacturing costs compared to China; and third, a small domestic demand market. The opportunities are also threefold: first, the order transfer effect due to South Korea shutting down LCD production lines; second, the extension of panel manufacturing technology to solar power plants; and third, leadership in Mini LED and Micro LED technologies globally. Lastly, the threats are: first, the continuous decline in panel prices; second, China's dominance in panel pricing; and third, a lack of government support. This paper concludes by proposing four strategic directions: The SO strategy of "building a vertically integrated ecosystem," leveraging industry clustering and advantages in Mini LED and Micro LED technologies to deepen partnerships and offer customized solutions; the ST strategy of "establishing comprehensive value propositions," combining innovative technologies and customized services, utilizing government support to reduce costs and expand market share; the WO strategy of"expanding market share," seizing opportunities in emerging sectors and leveraging the shift of LCD production lines from Korea to expand both domestic and international markets; and the WT strategy of "securing government support," through policy understanding, building strong government-business relationships, and acquiring additional support and resources to drive enterprise development. Through this research, the aim is to provide insights and promote future development for Taiwan's flat panel display industry.
平面顯示器, 面板, 產業分析, SWOT分析, 策略規劃, flat panel displays, panels, industry analysis, SWOT, strategy planning