TiO2 傳導帶上的效率。實驗結果顯示,當釕錯合物在激發態時,電子
密度分佈在含羧酸基的bpy 上的比例較多時,的確可以造成較好的光
利用TiO2 nano-particles 的特性,可以使Hemin 照光激發後,將
電子由激發態注入至TiO2 的傳導帶上,本身則被氧化成FeIII(P•+)。當
有受質Guaiacol 存在時,會得到單電子的氧化物,再偶合得到雙聚物
cation-radical porphyrin (FeIII(P•+)) 的形成。光激發活化血基質,是除
8 Five ruthenium bipyridine type complexes have been incorporated into the dye-sensitized solar cell system. The results show the distribution of the electron density of the ruthenium complexes in the excited state will slightly alter the photo-to-current efficiency. When the carboxyl containing bipyridine has more electron density in the excited state, the photo-to-current values will increase. The Cyclic Voltammetry has been used to detect the production of the I3 - ion. Although Hemin has a very short-lived excited-state, it has photochemistry while absorbed onto nano-sized TiO2 particles. Upon excitation, Hemin injects one electron into the conduction band of titanium dioxide and oxidizes to FeIII(P•+). In the presence of substrate, Guaiacol, the major photoproduct is radical coupled dimer, 3,3΄-dimethoxy-4,4΄-dihydroxy-biphenyl. This result further supports the formation of ferric cation-radical porphyrin (FeIII(P•+)) upon excition. Photoinduced FeIII(P•+) formation is a new route to initiate iron-porphyrin catalysis.
8 Five ruthenium bipyridine type complexes have been incorporated into the dye-sensitized solar cell system. The results show the distribution of the electron density of the ruthenium complexes in the excited state will slightly alter the photo-to-current efficiency. When the carboxyl containing bipyridine has more electron density in the excited state, the photo-to-current values will increase. The Cyclic Voltammetry has been used to detect the production of the I3 - ion. Although Hemin has a very short-lived excited-state, it has photochemistry while absorbed onto nano-sized TiO2 particles. Upon excitation, Hemin injects one electron into the conduction band of titanium dioxide and oxidizes to FeIII(P•+). In the presence of substrate, Guaiacol, the major photoproduct is radical coupled dimer, 3,3΄-dimethoxy-4,4΄-dihydroxy-biphenyl. This result further supports the formation of ferric cation-radical porphyrin (FeIII(P•+)) upon excition. Photoinduced FeIII(P•+) formation is a new route to initiate iron-porphyrin catalysis.