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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究的主要目的為(一)瞭解在愛滋病宣導過程中,民眾接收愛滋病資 訊的程度與對愛滋病認知及採取預防行為意向的情形,並探討其間的關係包括: 影響的機轉,是否透過健康信念的改變而達成。(二)分析民眾對宣導過程的意 見,以了解愛滋病宣導活動的成效和其原因。主要的研究方法為電話調查,係於 民國85年4、5月間針對大台北地區包括台北市、台北縣以及基隆市18歲以上民眾 1,111名進行電話訪問,以相關、共變數分析與階層複迴歸的方式分析資料。研 究結果發現:八成以上的受訪者知道愛滋病正確的傳染途徑,但亦有三成至七成 誤以為一些錯誤的途徑亦會感染;民眾對愛滋病的資訊主要來自電視新聞與電視 宣導廣告。一半以上的民眾在未來一年若有性行為時願意使用保險套。愛滋病資 訊主要作用在於增加民眾知識,而不在於影響行為。民眾接受資訊管道愈多者, 愈覺得罹患愛滋病的嚴重性、實行預防行為的有效性及較高的避免愛滋病危險情 境的自我效能。但影響民眾實行預防行為的社會心理因素為自覺實行預防行為的 障礙性大小及勸服性伴侶戴保險套的自我效能。民眾接受訊息而被影響的社會心 理因素和真正會影響行為的社會心理因素並不相同。
This study aims to investigate : ( 1 ) whether the public's media exposure to the AIDS andother factors have an impact on their knowledge, beliefs and behavioral intentions, as well asthe mechanism of behavioral change. (2) how the public reacted to the process of the mediacampaign. The study was conducted with a telephone survey implemented from April to May,1996. A sample of 1,111 residents over the age of 18 in the Greater Taipei area, includingTaipei City, Taipei County and Keelung City, was drawn. Based on the survey findings, morethan 80 of the respondents knew about the accurate routes of AIDS transmission.Nevertheless, there were still 30-70 of them thought some inaccurate routes could lead toAIDS transmission as well. Television including news and PSAs was the major medium ofrespondents' reported source of AIDS information. People with more sources of AIDSinformation were more knowledgeable about it. Half of the respondents intended to use thecondom next year in sexual conducts. The results indicated that the more AIDS informationsources the respondents had the more he/she would feel the severity of contracting AIDS andthe benefit of taking preventive behaviors as well as higher level of self-efficacy in avoidingthe dangerous situations. However, the influential psychosocial variables in taking preventivebehavior was the perceived barrier and self-efficacy in persuading their partners to use thecondom. The materials of the campaign were not properly tailored to fit the purposes.



