

子宮頸抹片檢查是早期發現子宮頸癌的篩檢方法,當抹片結果為異常時,若未及時複診以確定診斷,將失去抹片篩檢的意義。本研究旨在探討抹片結果異常婦女的複診行為及其相關因素。研究以問卷調查法為主,醫療機構實地訪問法為輔。總計完成304名抹片異常婦女的問卷調查及18所醫療機構訪問。訪問發現各醫療機構對抹片異常追蹤工作之投入,不盡相同。問卷調查主要發現如下: 一、婦女接到抹片異常通知後第一次的複診時間,並非均勻分佈,而是集中在第一週和第一個月。複診時間以超過三個月以上為延遲來看,有延遲複診者佔19.4%。 二、以簡單邏輯迴歸分析發現:焦慮、障礙性認知、宗教外控與有無延遲複診呈正相關;罹患性認知、嚴重性認知、有效性認知、社會支持與有無延遲複診呈負相關。 三、以複邏輯迴歸分析發現:延遲複診婦女的相關特性為:嚴重性認知較弱,有效性認知較弱、障礙性認知較強、焦慮較高。 針對研究結果,本研究提出提昇抹片結果異常婦女複診行為的衛生教育策略及對抹片結果異常個案追蹤工作的建議。 關鍵字:子宮頸抹片結果異常、延遲複診行為、焦慮、健康信念、 健康控握
This study aimed to investigate the behavior and related factors of return-check toward women after being informed the results of abnormal Pap smear. The method of the study was primarily questionnaire survey, associated with interviews from medical institutions. The respondents of the questionnaire survey included 304 abnormal Pap smear women and the interviewees were 18 staffs from medical institutions in the study. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The respondents who had their first return-check, the check that women returned the hospitals over three months, were within first week or first month. 19.4 percent of the respondents, however, had their return-check more than three months. 2. There were significant positive relationships between delay return-check and anxiety, perceived barriers of action, and religious health locus of control. Negative relationships were found between delay return-check and perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits of action and social support. 3. Multiple Logistic Regression analysis found that perceived severity, perceived benefits of action, perceived barriers of action and anxiety were significantly associated with delay return-check. The suggestions of the study included: (1) for health policy makers, providing a comprehensive health education program to these abnormal Pap smears women, and (2) for hospital managers, constructing a well-designed follow-up case management system. Key words: Abnormal Pap smear, return-check behavior, anxiety, health beliefs, health locus of control.



子宮頸抹片結果異常, 延遲複診行為, 焦慮, 健康信念, 健康控握, Abnormal Pap smear, return-check behavior, anxiety, healty beliefs, health locus of control

