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本研究採取質性研究法,探究四位新北市國中初任特殊教育教師的職場經驗、職場導入的歷程及感受。經整理後詮釋為四則故事,從中看見國中初任特教教師職場導入歷程的真實樣貌,主要的發現如下: 一、初任教師的工作信念在先前的生命經驗中是有跡可循的 過去的生命經驗帶給他們的不只是具體的作法或策略,還有潛在、抽象的信念,影響著他們對於教師形象最初的認同,進而引領著他們做人處事的方式。 二、初任歷程是一個不斷調適的過程 當初任教師的信念與現實環境發生衝突時,他們會對環境重新定義,採取自己可接受的因應方式進行調適,以達到平衡。 三、初任教師個人特質及環境脈絡交織影響下,產生個別化的導入意義 同一位輔導老師所輔導的初任教師,因個人特質及環境脈絡交互影響,而產生個別化的導入意義。 四、需求與回饋的契合度是有效導入的關鍵 輔導老師的回饋是否能切合初任教師職場適應中的成長需求,將為成功導入的關鍵。
The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore four beginning special education teachers’occupational experience, the process of occupational induction and their perceptions of the induction. Their experience were arranged into four stories. The real situations of occupational induction of beginning special education teachers can be seen in these stories. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1.The working belief of beginning teachers can be traced back to the early life experiences. The early life experiences bring them not only strategies to handle affairs but also abstract belief which influence their initial recognition of teacher identities. Furthermore, how they behave is accordingly guided. 2.Initial induction is a process that keeps on amending. When beginning teachers’ belief conflicts with the realistic environment, they will redefine and accommodate to the environment with either active or negative attitudes. 3.Because of the reciprocal influence of the environment and the personalities of beginning teachers, the meaning of the induction varies from person to person. Under the reciprocal influence of the environment and the personalities, , the meaning of the induction varies from person to person even if a beginning teacher is tutored by the same mentor teacher. 4.The fitting of need-feedback is the key to the effective induction. If mentor teachers’ feedbacks can match the developmental needs of beginning teachers, the induction will be effective.



初任教師, 特教教師, 輔導教師, 適應歷程, 職場導入, beginning teacher, sepcial education teacher, mentor teacher, a process of accommodation, induction

